#thread the needle chapter 6
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 4.7k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), Cursing, CW spiders, TW Arachnophobia, TW violence, CW injury, angst, fluff.
My Navigation
Thread the Needle Masterlist
Your pulse thumps loudly against your skin, swallowing a lump in your throat, you bravely make your way towards your friend. That word hangs loosely in the balance, you have no right to get mad at Hobie, he has no obligation towards your feelings whatsoever. Especially that you've never voiced how much you like him, no how much you came to love him.
You've never exactly pinpointed the time or event that made you love your best friend, but you know deep inside that you have. Whether it was platonic before or romantic after a few years of knowing him. You know that you've loved the same man for years. That's why it hurts so much that he's been ogling the unknown woman in his presence. Hands tucked inside the pockets of his leather jacket, he watches her through half lidded eyes, a smile curling around his lips.
The woman's giggle cuts you like a rusty knife, leaving you bleeding and doubting everything. Doubting all the soft touches and lingering gazes from Hobie all those years of hanging out with him. Maybe you are delusional, your lovesick brain making you think and imagine that a man like him could ever love you back.
You hate yourself for being jealous, the big green monster rearing its ugly head. Whispering and gnawing at your shattering heart. Trying to tamp down the ugly thing, cageing it inside your chest like a feral animal, you exhale a shaky breath. Eyes growing glassy at the sticky kiss she leaves on Hobie's cheek. The large Oscorp museum looms behind the stage, casting a large shadow on the couple, as if the building's hiding them from you, mockingly adding to your pain.
Weaving through the crowd, you catch the last bit of their conversation.
"I'll see you at the after party, right, Hobs?" Her voice is sweet yet it sounds like nails on a chalkboard when she calls him 'Hobs'.
"Sure, Lacey," his voice monotone, "go, we're almost on." Hobie nods at her.
'Lacey' winks at him, giving him a flirty smile, waving goodbye. Her long curls bouncing as she walks away.
Hobie notices someone staring, he cranes his neck, squinting, instantly grinning when he spots you. "Oi! There you are! You're late. Nice boots, are they new?"
You clear your throat, blinking away the tears threatening to spill over. "Yeah" walking closer to him, you give him enough space. Far enough for him to not be able to hold you.
Hobie notices your downturned gaze, "you okay–"
"You made it!" Yuri appears from behind, bounding towards you for a hug. "Look at our lucky charm! Lookin' pretty as always" she holds you at arms length. Giving her the best smile you could muster.
Ned and James join her side, "nice shoes!" Ned exclaims, bass strapped on his back.
"'ave you been cryin'?" James asks, concerned. He (unfortunately for you) noticed your glassy eyes.
"What?" You chuckle softly "No, I had to run here, the wind whipped at my face" trying to save face.
"You sure it's not allergies? Pollen count is at an all time high today" James adds, nodding.
"You learned that at your da's radio show?" Ned teases. James shoves him.
"I'm fine, it's nothing" you shrug, it's not nothing, your heart feels like it's been run over by a train.
"You sure you're okay?" Hobie finally chides in, closing in the distance you've put out. Intertwining your pinkies together.
To Hobie's dismay, you pull away a second later, "yeah, good luck. I'll be in the crowd" you give the band a double thumbs up, "you guys better win!" Trying to sound cheerful.
"Hell yeah, we will!" James pumps his fist in the air for added effect.
You walk away, trying to get in front of the stage for a better view of the show, pushing past the crowd, some seem to be too out of it to notice you. Spotting the familiar curls, you stop in the middle of the crowd that's packed together like sardines. Lacey laughs with her friends, hyping them up, drinks in hand, singing a familiar song.
The lights turn to a different color, red enveloping the stage. You feel like you're underwater, the loud noises muffled in your ears. You can barely hear the announcer introducing the band, eyes fixated towards Lacey, she throws a flying kiss towards the stage. You don't have to look at who the recipient was.
Guitar riffs ring out, Hobie's band starts playing their song, the crowd suddenly rushes in, trying to get to the front of the stage, trapping you. Bouncing around dancing bodies, you can't get out of the wild crowd, some noticing you trying to get out, they move and part for you. But some are way too into it to notice you.
"Excuse me, please! Fuck!" You yell out. A stray elbow hitting you right on your eye. The smacking sound rings in your ears, hand nursing the injury. A hand flings to your cheek, backhanding you. "Fuck!"
"Oi oi, stop! y/n!" Hobie's voice echoes around the venue, you deduce that he grabbed the mic from Ned. The band stops playing.
Half of the crowd doesn't stop, still jumping and bouncing around, guessing they've probably snuck in liquor. You ping pong around sweaty bodies, The only thing you could do was try to protect your head with your arms. Closing your eyes.
"Hoy! Fuckers! He said stop!" Lacey's voice screams out, trying to push past the mass. You can barely hear her through the blood rushing in your ears.
A strong yet familiar arm wraps around your shoulder, looking up you see Hobie arguing with a stranger.
"What the fuck! I said stop! Were you dropped on your head?!" He shoves the man away. Pointing at another trying to argue back. "Fuck off!" He lets go of you, shoving the other with force.
"Hey mate, if she can't handle it, maybe–" The man slurs his words, he couldn't finish his sentence, his face connecting with your knuckles. He should be glad that it wasn't Hobie's or else he would have his rings embedded in his jaw. The man keels over, sobering him up in an instant, groaning in pain.
Hobie looks at you in shock, you look at the men like you want to rip them apart.
Everything crushes you, the weight and pressure of your project, expectations from your family, your love for him. Every insecurity seeps out of your bones, drowning you in its disgusting waters.
You throw your anger at the first thing you see.
"You fucking wanker!" You seethe, your eyes darken, the strangers bear the brunt of your anger. "Stop means stop motherfucker!"
Hobie holds you back, if he doesn't you'll get kicked out of the event, "holy shit" your fist held up, ready to strike again.
You push him off, eye stinging in pain. Huffing, You give the men one last angry glare before stomping away from the crowd, too angry to care that you have an audience. Hobie follows closely behind, calling your name urgently.
"What?!" You turn sharply, the skin around your injured eye slowly turning into a darker color.
"Are you okay?" He asks, hands ghosting over your closed fists.
"Stop asking me if I'm okay, Hobart! Do I look like I'm fucking okay?!" You yell, frustrated, wincing at the pain in your socket. "Fuck!"
Your heart aches when you fight with him, moreso when you yell at Hobie. You're angry but not at Hobie, you're mad at yourself, mad that you've read his love for you as romantic, angry that you never told him how you feel. Furious at your jealousy.
One word stays in your mind, your own voice screaming it out like bloody murder: Coward.
"Love" he says softly, hands wrapping around your tightly closed fists, your nails digging into your palms leaving half moons on the soft skin. Hobie slowly unclenches your fists for you, fingers opening up yours. "You need ice over that, I'll bring you to the first aid station and–"
"You don't have to, just go. Get back on stage" you pull your hands away from him, clenching your hands into fists again.
"y/n, you might be concussed–" Hobie stares at you, concerned.
"Go" you sniff. "I'll go there myself" turning your back on him, Hobie watches you walk away.
The first aid station sits further away from the stage, the loud sounds can still be heard from where you're sitting inside the large tent. Cheers echoes out, prompting you to close your eyes at the booming sound.
The frozen ice pack melts in your hand, condensation dripping down on your arm. Your eye socket stings even with the pain meds the nurse gave you. Your head feels like it's trying to escape your skull. Sitting on the plastic chair, elbows propped on your thighs, biting the inside of your cheek when you hear your friends asking for you.
Scooching away from their line of sight, hiding behind a water cooler, you try to make yourself small. You groan when you hear the nurse tell them your location. Your anger has finally subsided, embarrassment replacing it.
Maybe you should've left when you had the chance.
Feet shuffle their way towards you, staying put, staring at the grey concrete, shoes fill your vision. Yuri breaks the silence.
"You've got a mean right hook, remind me to never piss you off"
You don't answer glaring at their shoelaces. The water from the ice pack drops on the concrete, painting it darker.
"Bloody hell, give her some room" Hobie arrives at your side, gesturing for them to give you space.
Hobie crouches down, leveling with your down turned stare. Grabbing the not so frozen ice pack from your hand carefully, avoiding touching your hand, in case you don't want to be touched. He stares at your black eye with concern.
"I made you all lose didn't I?" You stare up at your friends, avoiding Hobie's brown eyes.
"We got third place, I don't count that as a loss. It's better than we hoped for anyway" Ned looks at you apologetically.
"Right, not your fault." James adds. "Competition's hard, love"
"You're just saying that, if Hobie didn't interrupt by saving me, you would've won"
"If Hobie didn't jump in I would've jumped after you instead" Yuri chides in, pocketing her drumsticks.
"Me too" Ned says.
"Me three" James raises his hand, "Hobie just beat us to it" he shrugs.
"Still, I'm sorry," saying it softly. You don't miss the way they avoided asking you if you're okay.
"You're the one with the black eye" Hobie stands up, "can I talk to you?" He asks.
"We'll see you later, yeah?" Ned places a comforting hand on Hobie's shoulder. "As for you," Ned looks at you, "you've got my number, call me whenever or better yet visit me sometime"
You manage to crack a small smile, "I will" you stand up, giving him a hug, squeezing your friend. "Richmond's only an hour away" letting him go, you give him a sad smile.
"That's right, I'm only an hour away" Ned pats your shoulder.
Yuri steps in, holding both your hands, "and I'm just in Cambridge" she hugs you tightly, "don't be a stranger, yeah?"
"I'll come visit you whenever I can then" you squeeze her hands.
"You better" Yuri gives you her rare ten megawatt smile.
"Yuri and I will be classmates so you can visit me too if you want" James pats your back awkwardly.
"Fuck off, no we're not" Yuri scrunches her nose at James.
"We'll see you at the after party, Hobie?" Ned asks the unusually quiet man next to you.
The after party, where she will be waiting for Hobie. You try not to think about it, mentally chastising yourself.
"Nah, I have to get ready for her show."
"That's rescheduled actually, it's happening next week instead of tomorrow" you correct him. Hissing when your skin tugs at your eye.
"We'll be there then if you ever decide to pop in" Yuri informs Hobie.
"Alright, see you" Hobie waves them off. Sitting back down you watch them walk away with sad eyes.
"Can I have my ice pack back?" You groan when the pain pinches your eyelids.
"It's basically water, I'll get you a new one" He moves towards the nurse. You sit there, contemplating the past events.
The green monster peeks back out, shaking its cage, shackles straining against its leg. You try to move away from the image of her hands wrapped around Hobie's necklace that you've given him three birthdays ago, cherry red lipstick sticking to his cheek. The way he looked at her, the fucking pain in your eye. You start seething again, wanting to punch something.
You sigh, palms over your tired face, avoiding your injured eye.
"You al–" he stops himself, walking on eggshells. You don't want him doing that around you. "Here's your ice pack, the nurse said you don't have a concussion so I can take you home. Only if you want to" Hobie hands you the ice pack.
"This seems familiar, huh?" You wince at the cold hitting your skin, trying to cut the tension.
"Can you fucking sit down for a second" you gesture towards a chair.
Hobie sighs, sitting down backwards on the chair, resting his chin over the plastic back of it, arms wrapping around it.
"When we first met? Remember that? It was almost exactly like this"
He lets out a breathy laugh, "Right, you threw that sketchbook at Terry. Yuri's right, you've got a dangerous arm"
"Should've gone into baseball, or volleyball at least" you avoid his stare. "We were sharing an ice pack, while we bad mouth Terrence" chuckling sadly at the memory. You don't regret meeting him that day, if you could do it all over again even after knowing what will happen, you would, without question.
"Will you fucking look at me" Hobie asks softly, you jump slightly at his angry tone. "Can you tell me what's eating you, is it the project?"
You wait a few seconds to bravely look at him, your face unreadable. "It's not the project"
"Is it really rescheduled, or you're just trying to get rid of me?" Hobie narrows his eyes at you. You can't read him, his expression flat, except for the slight scowl.
You shake your head, "Why the fuck am I trying to get rid of you? Mrs. Williams had a change of heart and gave us an extension, that's it!" The conversation escalates, frustrated at Hobie for implying that you're getting rid of him. You would never.
"Then why are you angry?" He doesn't raise his voice, he never does, and he won't ever start to.
"Because! I'm–" you hear a loud cough, the nurse glares at you two. Hobie notices, standing up.
"C'mon let's go inside" He stands up.
"Yeah, because arguing inside a museum is much better"
"You think those fucks care about a museum?" He points towards the concert with his thumb, "I looked inside, no one's in there. They're all going to the after party anyway"
Sighing, you want to go home, but knowing Hobie, he won't relent. You wouldn't dare to go to his place instead, not wanting to taint your future home with a fight. Your dorm is out of the question, it's almost midnight, your RA wouldn't let Hobie in. You don't want to run from this, even if it means lying to his face.
"Give me the bloody card" He asks for the favour card tucked inside your pocket.
"You're gonna use one on this?" You hand it to him.
"Yes" he pops one off, Hobie doesn't want to ruin his relationship with you, especially with him not knowing the cause of your anger. So he's willing to do anything to prevent that. The wind carries the logo somewhere.
You wish you're that piece of paper right now. Only seven to go.
Walking around the futuristic room, the walls white and pristine, covered in blue neon lights. It looks like you're in one of Ned's favourite sci-fi movie, you can't quite make out the title though. The entire place is silent, with only a handful of people walking around, the only sounds are from displays, machines whirring in the background, and noises made by the displays' speakers. They opened up the museum really late for the concert as a promotion even though most people only stayed for the show.
You stop in front of a display, a projection of some enhanced spider lifting something that's apparently fifty times heavier than its weight. Sitting down on a bench in front of the display, eyes glued to the presentation.
Hobie sits next to you, giving you space. He watches the projection's glow on the side of your face, making it look like there's a giant spider crawling on your skin.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you" you finally break the silence. "I shouldn't have done that, you were only trying to help," eyes still watching the educational video. Taking a deep breath, "Why do you think I'm trying to get rid of you?"
"It's nothing" he watches as the enhanced spider bites another spider, fighting with it.
"It's clearly nothing" you scoff, "that's the first thing you thought of when I told you that the show's rescheduled"
Hobie wishes he brought Terry with him, his leg bouncing, a nervous habit of his. "I'm holding you back." He confesses, wincing, regretting it almost immediately.
Your neck snaps to look at him, "You're not, why would you think that?" You sound angry, but your concern for him wins over. "Why?" Tentatively scooching over, you close the distance, cupping his hand in yours. "If anything I'm holding you back, you could've gone anywhere after you left school. Yet you stayed"
Hobie raises his brow at you, scoffing. At first you thought he'll pull away his hand, instead he drops his forehead on your shoulder, fitting right in. He feels the roughness of your denim jacket, squeezing your hand.
The projector's light envelopes you two in emerald green as it switches to a different scene.
"Why do you think I'm still here?" He finally answers after a few seconds. It felt like hours for you.
"Because I'm your best friend" you say softly.
"Best mates don't look at each other like we do" he gathers all his courage, tired of all the pushing and pulling, tired of being selfish, locking his feelings from you. Hobie cranes his neck up to look into your familiar eyes. The same eyes he's longed for. He's so close to you he could see himself in your glassy eyes.
Your heart beats a thousand times per second, Hobie cups your jaw, gaze falling on your slightly parted lips. You hold his wrist, thumb right on his hastening pulse, you cup his jaw with your free hand, hand soft against his slight stubble.
"Best mates don't touch each other like this," he continues.
Your eyes wander around his face, looking for any lies of what he's told you, flabbergasted at his confession. Your breath is seemingly stuck in your throat, heart stuttering when he slowly closes the gap between you.
You don't pull away.
You can feel him tugging at the loose thread, it feels like it's tightening around you instead of breaking you two apart at the seams. The dam has a sizable crack in its foundation, threatening to burst open.
Hobie leans towards your lips, now or never, he sees you flutter your eyes close, taking it as a sign to seal your lips with his. He feels a crawling sensation on his back, ignoring it, thinking it's his nerves acting up. His heart pounds like a drum, he can't back down now.
"Agh! Fuck!" Hobie suddenly screeches, hands flying towards his nape.
"What? What is it?!" You panic, turning him around, yelping when you see a bright spider latched on his neck. "Fuck!"
"What is it?!"
"Spider!" You try to fling it away using your sleeves, avoiding touching the arachnid.
"It fucking bit me!" Hobie slaps his neck in one swift movement, the spider lays dead, still latched on his skin. "Did I get it?"
"Yeah, let me just–" you take a handkerchief from your pocket, taking the spider away from his skin, "there, got it" showing the spider laying on your pink handkerchief. "Oh god it's red"
"You think it's venomous?"
You laugh wholeheartedly for the first time that night.
"I'm serious, I could die from this" Hobie pokes the spider.
Like it's comedic timing, the narrator from the educational video says, "it's not venomous but it is advised to seek professional help when bitten by the wolf spider, some people could be allergic to their bites–"
Staring at each other, "wow" you manage to say at the same time, you giggle nervously, having no idea how to proceed with how things are now.
"It doesn't look like the wolf spider, they're a different color" Hobie pokes the spider to look at its underbelly, "yeah, different one" he acts as if he's suddenly interested in arachnology.
You look at him with so much endearment, your eyes are practically shaped like hearts.
"What?" Hobie catches your staring, a smile playing on his lips.
"Nothin'" you taunt him with a cheeky smile. He rolls his eyes at you but his smile betrays him.
The intercom rings out, "The museum is now closed, sorry for the early closing" a nasally voice says. "There has been an incident in one of our displays, please leave the museum in an orderly fashion"
Hobie clears his throat, hand scratching at his nape, also not knowing what happens now. "I'll take you home," He stands up, offering you his hand.
"Okay" you feel giddy as you take his outstretched hand. It feels familiar yet oh so different now. You've finally got confirmation about his feelings towards you, no matter how vague it was. You two have all the time in the world to discuss it. You've waited this long, you can endure a few more days of tiptoeing around each other. Baby steps, you think.
Swinging your intertwined hands, you look up at him. "Do you think the incident that they're talking about is this spider?" You pat your jeans pocket where the covered spider is kept. "Like it came out of its enclosure or something?"
"They don't have live specimens here, probably not" he entertains your question, squeezing your hand.
You both leave the museum, hand in hand. Ignoring an alarm blaring from somewhere.
You hug Hobie's leather jacket tighter around you, the cold air biting at your cheeks, helping numb the pain in your eye. Hobie takes your helmet off for you, the simple action he's done a million times before makes your heart skip a beat. You watch him with curious eyes, waiting for something to happen between you. The large brick building that houses your dorm looms overhead.
You notice him sweating despite the cold, "How do you feel?" You ask, concerned.
"I feel fine" he takes your helmet back towards the compartment of his motorbike. "Why?"
You step over to him, your palm feeling his forehead for a sign of a fever. "You're sweating, it's like fifteen degrees, why are you sweating?" He leans into your touch, sighing a bit.
"It's because I'm bloody fit" Hobie smirks, winking at you playfully.
You roll your eyes, "what if you're actually allergic to that spider bite? We might need to get you to a hospital" pulling back your hand to your side.
"I'm fine, seriously. I have no idea why I'm sweating though" He wipes his moist forehead.
"Okay. I can come with, just to make sure you don't have a weird reaction to it"
"You'll come to the after party?"
"You're still going to that?" Why? She'll be there, you bite your tongue, jealousy gripping you again. He's not going because of that, right?
"Yeah, It'll probably be the last one with the band, I want to make the most of it"
"Okay, just be careful" you wrap your pinky around his, "ask the others for help if you suddenly feel sick, please?"
"I will. Go to bed, you're knackered. Get some ice on that once you wake up, yeah?"
You bravely stand on your tiptoes to reach his cheek, kissing his skin softly. It feels just right, like your lips were perfectly molded for his cheek. Hobie seems like he ran out of air, frozen into place. He has no idea where to put his hands, your waist seems to be a little suggestive, arms seems to be more on the friendly side, if he grabs the back of your neck, Hobie's afraid he might pull you in for a kiss, which you might not want right now. So he settles for your shoulder, it feels awkward still.
You pull away, seeing a very rare sight of a flustered Hobie. Almost giggling, you clamp down, not wanting to tease him more or he might start hiding this kind of face he's currently making. His pupils are blown out, mouth agape. He returns to his nonchalant expression when he notices you biting your lips to stifle your giggling.
Grabbing his hands in yours, you bat your lashes, "Drive carefully, please?"
Hobie pulls you in by your belt loop, hugging you, his chin rests on the crown of your head, long arms enveloping you. He pokes your scalp with his chin. Your laugh pierces through the dark.
"Yeah, yeah" Pulling away, he carefully grazes his forefinger over to your black eye. "Sorry, 'bout this"
"Not your fault. Thank you for jumping in to save me, even if I yelled at you after" you look at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, again"
He shakes his head, not knowing the exact words to reply to you. Rubbing your leather clad arms, he stops when he reaches your hands. "Keep this for tonight, you can bring it back to me tomorrow, yeah?" Hobie subtly asks you out.
You grin at him asking for you to come visit him the next day. "Mm-hmm, I was gonna visit you anyway. You're due for a fitting"
"Yeah? Finished our baby then?" An excited smile appears on his lips.
"Almost, I think you'll like it" You say smugly.
"You made it, it's a guarantee I'll like it"
You adjust the weight of your heavy bag on your shoulder, walking along the water towards Hobie's houseboat. Grinning at the familiar boat, you speed walk to the doors. Bouncing on the balls of your feet, excited to see Hobie again after last night, After his 'confession'.
Hugging his leather jacket around your torso, moving the bag slightly away, just to show him that you didn't forget to bring it with you.
Knocking, you call out to Hobie. "Hey, it's me!"
The boat rocks a bit to the side, tilting your head, curious at what might've caused its movement since the river is calm. Finn is right, you can't hear anything happening inside. The boat tilts again, you hold onto the wall for support.
You knock again, "Hobie! Are you okay in there?"
Hobie finally answers the door, it swings wildly, sweat dripping on his bare chest, still in his boxers, his wicks uncharacteristically standing in messy angles. Gripping the doorknob in an iron hold, his chest heaves up and down like he's run a marathon, or like he just–
Hobie seems like he can't properly construct a proper sentence, he blinks at you through watery eyes, licking his dry lips.
You were about to ask him if he's okay, you freeze in place, face falling when a female voice rings somewhere inside– "Hobs?"
You feel a hole caving in your heart, leaving a Hobie shaped chasm, eyes glistening in the morning sun, you don't even wait for his explanation. You just run, run as fast as your legs could take you. You have no idea where to go. Your heart is shattering with every step, you have no time to pick up the pieces, leaving it scattered in the wind.
You can hear Hobie yelling your name, ignoring his urgent calls, you sprint away.
A/N: Everything will make sense in the next chapter 😉 thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to write more ❤️
*pictures above are from pinterest*
#thread the needle chapter 6#thread the needle series#thread the needle#hobie brown x reader#spider punk x reader#the kr8tor's creations#hobie brown#spider punk#x reader#atsv fanfiction#spider man across the spider verse#atsv x reader#atsv fanfic#atsv hobie#hobie brown x fem!reader#hobie brown x you#hobie brown x y/n#spider punk x fem!reader#spider punk x y/n#spider punk x you#cw spiders#tw arachnophobia#hobie brown fluff#fanfic#tw violence#cw injury
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Sean: Marion, I don't know how you're feeling bleed-wise, but I would say maybe reaching out and sensing is something that, given that we're in- Marion: I know I'm gonna get- I know I'm gonna sense the stuff, I'm not that stupid. Sean: Yeah, but you look stupid, so I- Marion: Hey, yo, no, that's enough. No, no, no, no, no. I looked stupid as a kid, but then I grew out of that. Jean: He's very handsome. Marion: And I look- thank you... Sean: I didn't say he wasn't handsome. I just said the guy- Marion: You know what? You know what I hate about you giving me shit? Sean: What's that? Marion: Nothing <3
#and this was /just/ after Marion kissed Jean#I mean come ON give me a chance#bottom table ot3#candela obscura#circle of needle and thread#luis carazo#zehra fazal#brennan lee mulligan#sean finnerty#jinnah basar#marion collodi#quote#this is from around 6:10:00 in episode 3#and I am four chapters into a new fic. dammit
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D.D. | Shane's Girl [6]
Part Six | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!Reader
Warnings: Shane Walsh sucks, unedited (I will get to it later, I promise)
Word Count: 1.2K
Author’s Note: Oof—alright, it's been a hot second, everybody. Apologies for going MIA for a while (life, y'know?). I haven't forgotten about this fic and I know that none of you have forgotten about it based on the amount of notes and messages I get (which I appreciate greatly). Thanks for sticking it out with me guys. Excited for you all to see what I have planned in the coming chapters. In the meantime, let me know what y'all think of this one & let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
The expletive escapes your lips before you can think twice about it. You nervously look around the camp, searching for Carl and Sophia. The last thing you need is for Lori and Carol to get on your case because you accidentally taught the children swear words. After realizing that neither of them is in earshot, you let out a sigh of relief.
You look down at the garment in your lap. Shane had thrown a pair of his cargo pants at you earlier this morning, grumbling about a hole in one of his pockets. You had woken up earlier than him, probably because he had returned to your shared tent far after everyone else in camp had retired for the evening. This was becoming somewhat of a routine for the two of you: Shane sneaking around in the middle of the night thinking you’re asleep; meanwhile, you spend the restless nights in your tent waiting to see if he actually comes back. You never ask him where he was in the morning—knowing that Shane would brush you off by saying he was on watch as if you don’t understand that the shifts rotate every night. Another sigh escapes your lips as you defeatedly throw the pants onto the table before you and turn your attention to your finger, which you had clumsily stabbed with a needle while attempting to fix the garment.
“You ‘lright?”
The sound of Daryl’s rough southern drawl makes you jump. You look up and see Daryl standing a few feet away with his raised hands. He takes a few careful steps toward you—his movements are slow and calculated. Your brow furrows at the sight—did he think you’re afraid of him?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle ya.”
“It’s okay, Daryl. I was just a little distracted.”
Daryl nods at your words before taking a seat beside you at the table.
“What’d ya do to your hand?”
He leans toward you slightly to get a better look, his concerned eyes raking over your hands, looking for any sign of injury. A small smile spreads across your face as Daryl continues to worry about your well-being. You raise your hands to show him that you’re perfectly okay.
“It’s nothing. Just pricked my finger—Shane has a hole in his pocket, and I was never good with a needle and thread.”
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly as you speak. Daryl chews on his bottom lip as he looks at the cargo pants on the table. It’s ripped along the seam, an easy fix—he’s done it numerous times for his own tattered jeans.
“Give it ‘er.”
You look at Daryl’s outstretched hand in disbelief for several seconds before handing him the needle and thread. Daryl snatches the pants off the table and gets to work. You watch him curiously—his brow furrows as he focuses on the task at hand. Daryl momentarily lets his attention drift to you; he awkwardly shifts in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable with how intently you’re watching him.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that?”
His tone is defensive, but it doesn’t make you back down like everyone else.
“Just surprised, is all.”
“What, Shane doesn’t know how to sew?”
He meets your incredulous gaze and can’t help but laugh. The sound is still foreign to his ears, even though it’s becoming somewhat of an ordinary occurrence when he’s with you. He’s much more used to the sound of Merle yelling, music blaring, old motorcycles' roar, and the forest's peaceful ambiance.
“Well, you shouldn’t have to do everything for him.”
His genuine words should comfort you, but instead, they nag at you. You shouldn’t have to do everything for him. You shouldn’t have to turn a blind eye to your boyfriend’s nightly habit. You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells around him. You shouldn’t have to make yourself smaller for his convenience. And yet, here you are.
“You have a cigarette?”
The question catches Daryl off guard. He’s only seen you smoke once—that night at the campfire, and he swore it was his fault. Your words from that night still rattle around in his head. You’re a bad influence, Dixon. He completes his final stitch, bringing the thread to his mouth so he can rip it off with his teeth. He places everything back on the table before pulling out his pack of Marlboro Reds from his pocket and offering it to you. You take one from the pack, twisting it in your fingers before placing the cigarette between your lips. Daryl notices your hesitation as he hands you his old lighter, so he waits until you’ve lit your cigarette before pulling out one of his own. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, but something about this doesn’t sit right with Daryl.
“What’s goin’ on?”
You furrow your brow at his question, feigning confusion, but Daryl doesn’t relent. He simply raises a brow at you as he takes another long drag of his cigarette. You let out a defeated sigh before answering his question.
“It’s just Shane…”
You trail off thinking that since it’s relationship drama, maybe Daryl wouldn’t be interested. But he doesn’t try to change the subject or brush you off, instead, he gives you his undivided attention. He watches you quickly look around camp, scooping the area and taking account of who is around. A frown pulls at the corners of Daryl’s lips as he realizes that you’re once again looking over your shoulder for Shane.
“He wasn’t always like this. I mean, he was always a hothead, but he wasn’t always so cruel.”
The softness in his tone catches you off guard, and you look up at him. A part of you wants to cry at how attentive Daryl is at this moment. It’s been so long since someone has shown you this kind of care.
“You ain’t gotta defend him to me.”
Daryl watches as a single tear falls down your cheek at his words, and he begins to panic. Did he upset you? Was he out of line? Had he gotten the situation between you and Shane wrong? This isn’t his forte. He wishes he was a different man—a better man, a softer man. He wishes he was more like his mother and less like his father. That she could have lived long enough to teach him a few more life lessons—like how to comfort someone you care for.
Before he has the chance to spiral completely out of control, he feels your fingertips find his, and his heart damn near stops. He involuntarily pulls away from your touch, and it makes him wince. He sits in the shame of his response to your touch. A better man would have been able to return your affection. Finally, he meets your gaze, expecting to see the hurt he caused by his reaction. Instead, he’s met with a smile so warm and tender that he can practically feel the shame in his body melt away.
“Thank you, Daryl.”
A small, affectionate smile pulls at the corners of Daryl’s lips.
“It was nothin’.”
You shake your head at his words. What he did for you today was far from nothing, but you let it go, opting to turn your attention back to the cargo pants on the table before you. As you admire Daryl’s handiwork, you can’t help but hope that Daryl knows that Shane’s pocket isn’t the only thing he stitched back together today.
#twd#The Walking Dead#walking dead#daryl dixon#twd daryl#daryl dixon imagine#daryl dixon x reader#daryl x reader#Rick Grimes#shane walsh#merle dixon#glenn rhee#lori grimes#the walking dead imagine#walking dead imagine#Norman Reedus#norman reedus imagine#norman reedus x reader
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The Harrington Pattern Part 13
This is it guys, the chapter of this fic. I have had an absolute blast writing and even more so reading all the comments and tags.
This last chapter is dedicated to all those who wanted the moms to bring Steve into their fold. This was also chance for Steve to rip on the haters without fear of his parents ire.
Thank you so much for all the love and support for this little story.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Claudia was waiting at the Byers’ front door when Eddie pulled up in his van and Steve hopped out.
“Eddie!” she cried happily. “I didn’t know you were coming!”
“Hey, Mrs. H,” Eddie said with a wave. “I’m just dropping Stevie off. We’re hanging out later.”
“That was sweet of you, dear,” Claudia cooed.
Steve in the meantime was pulling things out of the backseat of the van. Eddie looked over at him.
“You need help, darlin’?” he asked over his shoulder.
Steve shook his head. “I’ve got it. Thank you, though.” In lower voice he muttered, “I love you and I’ll see you later.”
Eddie gave Steve’s forearm a squeeze and then waved at Claudia. He backed out of the driveway and was soon gone from sight.
“We’ve got all sorts of surprises for you today, Steve,” she said gleefully clapping her hands together.”
Steve grinned at her. “Mrs. Peterson here yet?”
Claudia shook her head. “She’s always at least fifteen minutes late. Something we were banking on actually.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
But Claudia just ushered him inside. He set his stuff down and then handed her a tray.
“I made blondies,” he said, “I hope you ladies like them.”
She peeled back the foil and gasped. “Steve they look amazing!”
Joyce came out of the kitchen wiping her hands. “What looks amazing?” she asked peering over Claudia’s shoulder. She, too, gasped when she saw them. “Steve, you didn’t!”
Steve grinned. “Your sons always eat the ones I send home with them before they even get home, so I figured you’d appreciate these.”
She kissed his cheek. “You are a dear.”
Claudia laid them out on table next to all the other treats.
On the coffee table were a bunch of things under a large sheet with clowns on it.
“The three of us,” Karen began, “wanted to do something extra special for you after hearing what fun our children had at the Fair because you made sure they did. So we each contributed something toward your love of sewing.”
She lifted the sheet. Underneath was a beautiful sewing kit in navy blue, a light green Singer sewing machine that looked older than he was, and a stack of old patterns.
Steve’s lip wobbled as he raised his hand to his mouth in shock.
“You didn’t have to do this, ladies,” he whispered.
“The sewing kit is from me,” Karen continued. “It’s a beginner’s kit, but it has fabric scissors, a seam ripper, bobbins for your thread and different kinds of needles.”
Steve sat down and pulled it onto his lap. He opened it and as he lifted the lid, the top tray pulled back revealing the tray beneath. “Thank you.”
“The sewing machine,” Claudia said proudly, “is the first one I ever owned. When I got married I got a new one and I’ve been using that ever since. But this ol’ girl has a lot of love and life left in her, and I want you to have her.”
Steve looked up at her, tears forming in his eyes. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll break it? Or that my parents will find it and destroy it?”
Claudia knelt in front of him. “It’s gonna be kept at my house until you get a place of your own. You’re there all the time to see Dusty anyway, no one is going to notice that you’re there to sew now, too.”
“Plus,” Joyce said with a grin. “It’s a Singer. They’re a little hard to break. They’re one of the best machines and it will probably outlast your children. So don’t worry about it, okay?”
Steve nodded, his lip quivering. Claudia kissed his forehead and stood back up.
“The patterns are from me,” Joyce said. “Whenever I would have a little extra money I would pick up a pattern or two at the drug store and bring it home. I picked a handful that I thought you’d like since you’re primarily making costumes. And if those work for you, next week I’ll bring another handful you might like.”
Tears started flowing down his cheeks. “Thank you. All of you. This is best gift I’ve ever gotten.”
“Oh honey,” Joyce said softly and suddenly Steve was being hugged on all sides by the moms.
They stayed like that until there was a knock on the door.
“That must be Olive,” Claudia said with a sigh. “I bet she brought those brownies that are totally store bought even though she insists it her grandmother’s recipe.”
Steve snickered. “My mom used to do that. I don’t think she fooled anyone either.”
Joyce grinned over her shoulder as she went to go answer the door. “Olive, dear! We were just getting started.”
“Oh?” the bright voice on the other side of the door cooed. “You’re usually in the full swing of things by now.”
Steve bristled. That meant she knew she was late and was doing it intentionally. He hated people like that. Acting like the rest of them were peasants meant to be waiting on her.
“Steve was just showing us the costumes he made for the kids for the Fair over the weekend,” Karen said sweetly as Steve hurried to get the things he brought to show off out.
Olive stepped into the house with a sneer. “I think it’s so sweet you’re indulging the boy, but I doubt he can hold a candle to Claudia’s years of experience.”
Wow, Steve thought. Not only did she insult him, but she insinuated Claudia was old. What was with this old bag?
Claudia smirked. “It’s true that I’ve been doing it for longer, but Steve has a real talent for it. Come see.”
Olive walked into the front room and Steve was struck by how much she reminded him of his mother. She had perfectly curled hair with not a single strand out of place. Her clothes were fitted and showed off her figure. Her makeup was flawless.
In short, Steve hated her on sight.
Joyce handed her the shirt he had made for underneath his tunic. It was flawless but understated.
Olive took the shirt and scoffed. “You couldn’t have done this, Harrington, you shouldn’t lie to your betters.”
Steve was already seeing red. “I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you then.”
Joyce clapped her hands together. “All right, let’s get started. Steve, you can eat as much as you want, but just make sure to keep it away from other people’s projects.”
Steve smiled at her sweetly. “Of course!”
He knew that what she was really saying was that Olive Peterson might try something.
He sat in the armchair away from her and she glared at him.
“Is it all right if I work on my project first before you teach me how to use the sewing machine?” he asked just as she was taking a drink of punch.
Olive was forced to turn away and cough into her hand to avoid spraying everyone with the lemonade that Claudia had made.
Karen’s smile was feral. “I don’t see why that would be a problem, right, Claudia?”
“Of course not, Steve,” she replied warmly. “Just let me know when you want to learn and I’ll come over and help you.”
Steve nodded. He pulled out the materials that Eddie suggested he bring and got to work.
Eddie really liked that Steve’s bags had a lining because it protected the dice better, so Steve had brought along some materials he could use for that as well.
About halfway through his first bag, Joyce called out.
“Steve? What’s that pattern you’re putting on the bag?”
Steve’s eyes lit up. “It’s my signature! I embroider it on everything I do to make sure people can’t pass it off as their own.” He handed the bag over to her.
“Oh!” she cried in excitement. “This is the design you put on Will and El’s costumes when you did their alterations, right?”
Steve nodded. “I hope you don’t mind. I know you made the clothes, but I thought it was a cute way to tie the two together like they were twins.”
“It was perfect,” Joyce said. “El still hasn’t stopped talking about how pretty your design made the dress.”
Steve blushed as he took the pouch back from her.
“I was talking to someone at the Renaissance Fair,” he said shyly, “and she wanted me make them clothes and things that she would sell for me. She even told me to make business cards in case someone wanted to commission me directly.”
“Oh Steve!” Karen cried. “That’s wonderful!” She clapped her hands together and tilted her head. “I have to admit I’m a little jealous. That pattern is beautiful. I would love a handkerchief with that on it.”
Steve straightened up. “Yeah?”
Karen nodded.
“What color would you like?” he asked excitedly.
Karen tried to protest but he wouldn’t let her. In fact he managed to convince all but Olive to let him make them one for them.
It did, unfortunately take him to the end of the two hours, but he was excited to come next week.
“I’ll even host it at my place!” he said with a grin.
Olive sputtered. “Well I won’t be there if it’s at this young man’s house. That’s so inappropriate.”
The three other ladies looked at each other and then shrugged.
“Your loss,” Karen said dryly.
Olive stormed out of the house vowing that as long as Steve was part of the group she would never come back.
“Well that is a relief,” Joyce said, “I’m not the kind to speak ill of anyone, but we really got quite the upgrade!”
Karen clapped her hands. “Indeed. I can’t wait for next week. I’ve got a new project I’m starting and I found the best recipe for a chocolate mousse that I’ve been dying to try out.”
“Same time next week, ladies?” Steve asked.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Claudia agreed.
Then there came a loud honk.
Steve looked out the window and smiled. “Looks like my ride is here.”
He gather up his stuff, including the patterns and sewing kit and walked out to Eddie’s van.
He slid into the front seat.
“You have fun today, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, pulling out of the driveway.
“Yeah,” Steve said looking fondly at the house. “This has been the best weekend ever.”
Eddie grinned. “Well, it’s about to get even better, just wait to you see what I have planned for us today.”
Steve smiled as Eddie regaled him with his plans and nodded along.
Life was really looking up. He had a platonic soulmate, good friends, an amazing boyfriend, a hobby he enjoyed and could make real money from, and now a group of people to share that hobby with each week.
And to think it all started with a flier about the Renaissance Fair coming back to Hawkins.
“I can’t wait,” he breathed once Eddie was done.
Eddie smiled that sweet smile at always turned Steve’s insides to mush.
Yeah, Steve could honestly say that he was happy.
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @carlyv @gregre369
@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach
@danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @wonderland-girl143-blog
@justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
@cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
@useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss
@croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv
@dauntlessdiva @vampire-eddie-brain-rot @lololol-1234 @nightmareglitter @cryptid-system
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List of unreleased songs by Melanie Martinez:
Various songs have been recorded for Melanie Martinez's projects over the years that have been scrapped. This list aims to include all known Melanie Martinez songs which were not intended to be formally released. This list currently has 97 unreleased songs.

Take Me to the Moon (2011)
1. Curly Cue
2. Birthing Addicts
3. Smoke
4. The One
5. Milky Way
6. Alone
7. Oh Carousel
8. I Love My Ride
9. I Think I'm Crazy (single)
"Take Me to the Moon" is an extended play by Melanie Martinez that was recorded in 2011, however, it was scrapped after it had been completed. It was likely intended to be released in 2012, as Melanie posted the project's title in her YouTube description that year.

2013 EP (2012-2013)
1. A Million Men
2. A Thousand Words
3. Birthing Addicts
4. Bones Are Blue
5. Curly Cue
6. Dear Porcupines
7. Intervals
8. Night Mime
9. Race
10. Rough Love
11. Time Flies
The unknown extended play, sometimes dubbed as "2013 EP", refers to an unreleased extended play by Melanie Martinez that was planned to be released around September 2013, however, it was scrapped later that month prior to the release. The official name of the EP has yet to surface.

Cry Baby (2013-2015)
1. 99 Cent Store
2. Arts & Crafts
3. Animal Crackers
4. Ball Pit
5. Band Aid
6. Bombs On Monday Morning
7. Bones Are Blue
8. Cartoons
9. Coloring Book
10. Cooties
11. Gold Diggin' Love
12. Half Hearted
13. Haunted
14. Heartbeat
15. I Scream
16. Jumprope
17. King Of The Arcade
18. Mirror Mirror
19. Mistakes
20. Night Mime
21. Patient
22. Psycho Lovers
23. Ring Pop
24. Rocking Horse
25. Rotten Milk
26. Rough Love
27. Run
28. Schizo
29. Seesaw
30. Strawberry Fields
31. Sticks And Stones
32. Toy Chest
33. Trophy Wife
34. Twins
35. Unhappy Meal
36. Where Do Babies Come From?
37. You Love I
38. Zzzz

K-12 (2015-2017)
1. Eraser
2. Glue Stick
3. Papercut

After School EP (2017-2020)
1. Absorb
2. Chrysalis
3. Clockwork
4. Erase Her
5. Function
6. History
7. Lost & Found
8. Maze
9. Paper Cut
10. Spin The Bottle
11. The Tunnel
12. Trophy
13. Under The Desk

PORTALS (2020-2023)
1. Barely Juice
2. Corpse
3. Death
4. Dragon's Blood
5. Emerald
6. Fairy Dance
7. Fingers Crossed
8. Fragile
9. Garden
10. Hawaii Space Guitar
11. Inconsistent Flame
12. Jinx
13. Labyrinth (Version 1)
14. Labyrinth (Version 2)
15. Magnets
16. Menace To Society
17. Mother Of Pearl
18. Needle And Thread
19. Not Dead, Just Expired
20. Puzzles
21. Synchronicities
22. Tunnel Vision
23. Void
24. Walkie Talkie

Side projects:
1. Can't Shake You
2. Gravitate
3. Heart At The Door
4. I Scream
5. Night Mime
6. Until Sunrise
These are unreleased songs that Melanie made but never intended to put them on her projects.

Songs made with Melanie:
1. AK-47
2. Last Chapter (Never Stayed for Love)
#vintage#crybaby#melanie martinez#artists on tumblr#melanie littlebodybigheart#melanie crybaby#cry baby#melanie k12#dollhouse#sippy cup#k 12 melanie martinez#melanie lbbh#melanie portals#k 12 aesthetic#k 12 album#k 12 movie#crybaby album#after school ep#cry babies#cherubs#dollhouse ep#earthlings#dead to me#training wheels#drama club#field trip#light shower#lbbh#trilogy tour#little body big heart
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Chapter Seven: The GoverMint
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - More Coming Soon
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader Summary: Two men bring you into custody and some new information comes to light. Tags: Slow burn (and I mean SLOWWW), angst, eventually more smut, language, canon-typical violence, chem/alcohol use, more tags will be added Posted on AO3: Smoothie and The Ghoul Word Count: 2.1k
"What? Never had mornin’ wood before, Smoothie?” The Ghoul snickers as you shake your head in confusion. While yes, it’s a fairly natural thing to occur, you weren’t exactly expecting to see his hard-on first thing.
"Alright, love birds,” the man starts, causing both of you to glare at him. “Destroying a legitimate business? That's illegal 'round these parts.”
You exchange a quick glance with The Ghoul, both of you clearly annoyed by the man calling you ‘love birds’. "First of all, we are not together. And - will you please adjust yourself, Beef Jerky - second of all, this... was a legitimate business? Says who?” you ask, gesturing vaguely around the room as The Ghoul rolls his eyes and slowly covers himself with his hat.
"The government," the man proudly declares before abruptly striking The Ghoul in the face with his rifle.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not get crazy here," you interject, raising your hands in protest, realizing that two against one isn't a smart choice at the moment. Your head is throbbing from the alcohol you drank the night before, leaving you in no condition to fight back.
“Don’t worry, miss. Your husband is okay, but you two gotta face justice,” the man replies. You huff a frustrated sigh at the continued assumption that you two are a couple. Looking the man over, you notice a crudely made sheriff badge with the name Troy etched onto it.
“May I call you Troy?” you ask, pointing to his badge. He gives you a smile, indicating it’s okay. “Now, Troy, this man right here isn’t my husband. We are just traveling companions who happened to come across this already destroyed business.”
Troy sighs, “We ain’t stupid, ma’am. We gotta bring ya both in. Rex!” He shouts at the other man, “Tie ‘em up and we’ll move out once that one wakes back up.”
Shortly after, The Ghoul wakes up and the four of you are on the move towards the supposed government. You keep stealing glances at him, hoping for any sign of a plan, but he remains silent and focused on the path ahead. The restraints around your wrists chafe against your skin, causing irritation. These two men seem dumb as hell but the one sure knows how to use rope.
Finally, the four of you approached a building sporting a sign that proudly proclaims "The GoverMint”. The Ghoul shot you a glance, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes in exasperation. The sight of the misspelled sign only reinforced your growing realization that you were dealing with a bunch of idiots. The building itself appeared run-down and neglected, a stark contrast to the grandeur one might expect from an actual government facility. The paint was peeling, the windows were dirty, and the overall atmosphere exuded an air of disarray. As you were escorted inside by Troy and Rex, you couldn't shake the feeling that this whole situation was more absurd than dangerous.
"Well, shit!" a hefty man exclaims, sitting at a table with a plate of food. "I heard it was a ghoul that messed up that Super Duper Mart. Nobody told me it was the ghoul."
"Why, Sorrel Booker," The Ghoul smirks.
You silently mouth to The Ghoul, "You know this guy?"
"You boys know who you just brought in? This sumbitch right here used to be the best bounty hunter to ever shoot a man in the ass," Sorrel chuckles as the two men usher you to sit in front of him. "Kids these days don’t know their goddamn history."
"Say, you got a needle and thread?” The Ghoul casually asks. “I think I got some in my bag, actually. Would you mind?"
Sorrel hesitates for a moment, eyeing him, but ultimately nods his head. Troy hands over the needle and thread, and The Ghoul's restraints are untied. With a calm demeanor, he picks up a perfectly cut finger and begins sewing it onto his missing one. You can't help but watch in disbelief, your mouth agape, trying to make sense of the bizarre scene unfolding before you. What the fuck is happening right now?
"Whose finger is that?!" You blurt out unintentionally, causing silence to take over the room.
Sorrel takes a good look at you as he spits out a piece of meat and puts it in a bowl labeled 'cysts’, turning his attention to the man next to you. “200 years. I don’t know what keeps you going. Maybe you just like the feeling of that good old California sunshine on your wrinkly-ass face. Or maybe you’re still looking for her. Maybe not though... this your girlfriend or somethin’?"
"You really think I’d shack up with some smoothskin? She ain’t even that pretty.” The Ghoul retorts, ignoring your offended look as he scrunches his newly sewn finger to make sure it's functional. “And I sure as hell ain't still alive so that I can have unintelligent conversations with dipshits like yourself."
“Mind your fucking mouth. That’s the president of the government you’re talking to.” Troy speaks up.
“Oh, you’re president now?” He raises a brow, “In that case, I am hearing a whole lot of chatter about some woman. Name of Moldaver. They call her the Flame Mother.”
This new information about a woman catches you off guard, as it's the first time you've heard about her on this journey. While the two men continue their conversation, you find yourself racking your brain as the mention of Moldaver triggers a memory in your mind. You vaguely recall whispers in the air about a woman who leads a group of people up in the mountains. Tension begins to build in the room as you find yourself deep in thought, analyzing her possible connection to the bounty you were originally after. You notice a shift in the dynamics between the men after The Ghoul taunts Troy about killing his father in Filly. It seems to have struck a nerve and Rex is ordered to take away Troy's weapons.
“Take him out back and feed him to the hogs,” Sorrel's harsh order snaps you out of your thoughts. "And this one might be good for the local brothel."
"Oh, hell no," you mutter as Troy pulls you up to take you away. Determined to fight back, you struggle to release yourself from his grasp, refusing to be taken without a fight. Suddenly, a gunshot rings out, causing chaos in the room. The Ghoul, seizing an opportunity, managed to grab Rex’s pistol and shot him.
With the distraction, you act quickly. In a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, you headbutt Troy, feeling the sharp pain of impact, and then tackle him to the ground. Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions and a fierce desire for survival, you unleash a flurry of tied fists striking his face repeatedly. Blood splatters across your face as you continue to pummel him. He’s surely dead by now but you can't stop - there is no way you are going to a brothel against your will.
Feeling a warm hand touch your shoulder, you are startled out of your frenzy. Looking up, you lock eyes with The Ghoul, who is standing over you with a small crooked smile playing on his lips. There is a glint of amusement in his gaze, as if he is savoring this violent side of you. His presence and subtle expression of approval offer a strange sense of validation for you.
“Goddamn it,” Sorrel exclaims in frustration, throwing his fork onto the table. As you slowly rise from the man you just bludgeoned to death, The Ghoul starts untying the rope around your wrists. Despite gloves covering his hands again, you find solace in his gentle touch as he works to release you from your bindings. Once finished, he strides over to the wall littered with wanted posters and tears off a sketch of a woman.
“I got one question for you, ol’ buddy. Why do you have this picture on your wall?” The Ghoul inquires, holding up the sketch.
“That’s Moldaver. Why?” Sorrel responds, a sense of curiosity evident in his voice.
“Well, that’s not how I remember her, is all,” He remarks cryptically.
“Yeah? Well, how do you remember her?”
The Ghoul doesn’t say a word and without further explanation he leads you both outside. The two of you stand facing each other in silence. He lets out a sigh and reaches for a dirty rag in his pocket, handing it to you without a word. You take it and begin to clean yourself up but it’s proves pointless as it’s just smearing the blood all over.
"Well, that didn't do shit," he remarks as he takes the rag back from you. His gaze scans the area until he spots a barrel of grimy water, prompting him to grab you by the base of your hair and drag you over to it. As he dunks your face into the water, you shout in protest, the shock of the cold liquid causing you to react instinctively. He lifts your head up and looks at you, his expression unreadable.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Do you just like waterboarding women in your free time?!" you yell angrily, spitting excess water onto his face.
"You're clean now," he states simply as he gestures to the now wet and cleansed skin on your face. “Come on, let’s get goin’.”
“Wait, you still want me around?” you question, surprised by his response.
“I saw you back there. Proved useful,” he acknowledges, wiping the spit off his face with a nonchalant expression. He starts walking away, and you instinctively follow his lead, the rhythm of his steps guiding you away from the ‘government’.
Trailing behind him for most of the day, you're left with nothing but the echo of your dream still etched in your mind. The surreal scene of a nuclear explosion as he touched you intimately felt oddly real, even in its absurdity. Your eyes study his form, his posture, the way he moves - every detail etching itself into your consciousness. He dunked you in cold, murky water, and yet here you are, daydreaming what it might actually feel like to have his body pressed against you.
Unknown to you, The Ghoul is wrestling with his own inner turmoil. The dream he experienced replays in his mind like a haunting loop, stirring up emotions he'd rather keep buried. He finds himself irrationally angry with you for making him feel so vulnerable, even though he knows it was just a dream. His mind is now filled with thoughts of you - the curves of your body, the softness of your lips, the gentle touch of your hands.
He feels the weight of your gaze on him, and it unnerves him more than he'd like to admit. His fingers clench tighter around the hunting knife hanging on his belt, a physical manifestation of the internal struggle he's experiencing. He doesn't dare glance back at you, afraid that the turmoil in his eyes might give away more than he intends.
"Will you stop starin'?" His abrupt words cut through the tension, causing you to freeze in your tracks. Embarrassment washes over you as you realize he's aware of your lingering gaze. Attempting to play it off nonchalantly, you open your mouth to respond, but only incoherent sputtering and mumbled words escape. He turns to face you, an intense gaze piercing you like a bullet.
“I am not staring,” you manage to assert, a hint of defensiveness in your tone. “I’m just focused on the path ahead.”
“Listen up, Smoothie. I ain't keepin' you 'round 'cause we're best buds. It's 'cause you're damn good at spillin' blood. So don't be gettin' any ideas about you and me sharin' heartfelt moments or takin' strolls in the wasteland." He snaps.
“What the fuck are you going on about?” You laugh, but then a realization dawns on you. "Oh, hang on.… Am I the reason your 'little friend' made an appearance this morning?"
“Now what do you mean litt-“ He cuts himself off abruptly, “Don’t flatter yourself, Smoothie. I ain’t one for sentimentality or... entanglements.”
A small smile begins to tug at the corners of your lips, a reaction that visibly irks him, his annoyance evident in the way his features tighten. You can’t tell if he's contemplating strangling you or something even worse. Either way, there's a subtle thrill in knowing that you're the reason he’s so worked up. You approach him with a spring in your step and pat his chest, earning a fierce glare in return.
"Don't fret, sweetheart," you grin, your tone dripping with sarcasm as you use the endearing term, "I'll just pretend this never happened. Now, how about we find a spot to camp for the night?"
Tag List: @fallout-girl219 @ellabellabunny123 @sunnexaltation @coolrobloxkid28 @cheshirecat484 @capan-deveraux2 @rebelmarylou
#my longest chapter yet and it's about the stupid gOvErMiNt#the ghoul x reader#cooper howard x reader#fallout#cooper howard#the ghoul#smoothie and the ghoul
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Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 1
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! I’m posting the first chapter just to check for interest. Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.

The sky was red, and you hated it. You hated more the fact that you couldn't remember what it looked like when it was blue. The whole city looked like it was coated in blood. You saw enough blood already.
You walked along the littered, decaying streets of Gallica with a blue duffel bag on your shoulder. You kept the hood of your gray jacket pulled down over your head and your hands buried in your pockets. Standing out was never a good idea, at least not where they could see.
As you rounded a corner, you were suddenly sprayed with red liquid, and you only dared to steal a quick glance down the alley it came from. A body was tumbling to the ground, and you didn't even have time to see who it was or what sort of wound had drawn such a huge amount of blood. Your eyes had been drawn, in that brief moment, to the pair of black-clad figures standing frighteningly still beside the body. Their bi-colored eyes flicked upward, toward you, but you returned your gaze to the street in front of you and walked quickly away.
Your heart pounded and your hands trembled in your pockets until you were far enough down the street to safely assume they would not stop you. You knew what happened to those unlucky enough to somehow provoke the half-breeds, regardless of intention, so you hurried along toward the clinic without looking back once.
When you reached the small, rundown clinic, you were met at the door by a girl in a nurse's uniform who placed her hands on her hips and scowled at you. “You're late!”
You pushed by her and dropped the duffel bag from your shoulder, flopping it onto a nearby cot. You unzipped it and pulled out your own uniform. "My alarm clock didn't go off."
The other girl stood leaning in the door way as you stepped into an empty patient slot and slid the dirty curtain closed. "Terrian is gonna be pissed at you,” she said.
You emerged from behind the curtain in a white button-up shirt that was a little too tight and a skirt that was way too short. “He'll get over it."
"Yeah, as soon as he see's you."
You laughed. "You're jealous, Anna."
"Because that perverted freak lets you get away with anything?" Anna asked. She was so petite that even the smallest, tightest uniforms Terrian had given them seemed to fit her just right.
"No, because I look better in the uniform."
Both of you laughed as you laid out your supplies on rickety metal tables, organizing them neatly into categories according to how often they were used. The alcohol, thread, and needles were first in line, followed by bandages, then ointments and creams.
The door leading to the main treatment room flung open and a man with shoulder-length, pale blonde hair tied into a short ponytail walked in. He wore wide-rimmed glasses and a lab coat covered in blood stains. He looked angry as he approached, glaring at you, but suddenly froze when he rounded the metal tables and the full length of you came into view.
He smiled brightly, wrapping you into a hug. "You wore it today!"
Anna rolled her eyes and brushed her bangs, the longest part of her auburn hair, away from her face with her hand.
You pulled free from Terrian and adjusted your ill-fitting clothes. "It's the only uniform I had clean."
"And it's my favorite," Terrian said, then glanced toward Anna. "Stingy Anna always wears pants, even though I beg her to wear the skirt with the slit up the side."
Anna gave him a dirty look and he gave her a grin in return. He looked over the supplies then held out a thick stack of papers. "Look at all this. These are all patients who left the clinic in the last month and haven't returned for their checkups. Next week I'll be making a lot of house calls."
Both you and Anna frowned. You hated it when Terrian made house calls. He was the only doctor at the clinic, and you two were the only nurses. Things were hectic enough with the three of you, but when he was gone, the clinic was thrown into absolute chaos.
"Anyway," he spoke up, "we have a lot of patients waiting already. Let's get to work!"
You and Anna had no formal training, had not even finished high school, but you had both been living on the streets three years ago when Terrian approached you about working for him. He taught you two the basics, and the rest you learned over time. In this city, injured people couldn't be picky.
Together, you and Anna wheeled your metal supply tables through the swinging doors into the main treatment area of the clinic. Cots were lined up in two rows, facing each other, for the entire length of the large room. There was only enough room for one person to walk between each cot, and all but a few were occupied. People were moaning, screaming, crying, or unconscious. Anyone not in mortal danger was sent home after being stitched or bandaged up.
Illnesses were not often treated, as serious diseases were most often fatal no matter what the doctor did, but injuries were extremely common. Blood dripped from nearly every cot in the room, and a few patients were bandaged to the point of looking like mummies. You and Anna had both learned quickly to develop strong stomachs.
The two of you were checking on a patient that had been brought in last night with a chopped off leg when Terrian came zooming past you, pushing a stretcher.
"Emergency surgery!" he called, disappearing into the room you had just changed in.
You both dropped what you were doing and ran after him, then stopped dead in your tracks as soon as you were through the doors, staring at the figure on the stretcher.
"Doctor, that's... one of them,” Anna said, her voice almost a whisper.
The man on the stretcher wore an ornate military uniform - black pants and a long black jacket with golden buttons up the front and matching trim along the cuffs and collar. The uniform was instantly recognizable to every single person in the city, because only they wore them. His skin was ghostly white and his hair a jet-black mess scattered across his face.
Terrian was ripping that glorious black uniform from the man’s motionless body. "I know what he is, Anna, but he's still a patient. And right now, he's dying unless we can stop the bleeding."
You and Anna hesitated just inside the door, looking at each other and then back to the man. Anna shook her head. "I can't... I can't help him. Not after all they've done."
Terrian stopped and looked at her. At first, you were sure he would scold her, but he merely sighed and nodded. "I understand. Go tend to the other patients."
You watched the other girl leave, then turned to Terrian. He looked at you with a pleading expression. "He'll be dead within the hour if we don't do anything."
You took a deep breath, then rushed over to Terrian's side. He held out his hands while you poured alcohol over them, then rinsed your own. Looking down at the young man, he seemed fragile, vulnerable. Almost human. His torso was exposed, revealing a long, deep cut across his abdomen that was gushing out blood. Funny how his body was absolutely impeccable, toned to lean perfection and resembling a stone statue, but marred by that huge red gash.
The cut was so long, and the bleeding so severe, that each of you began stitching on separate ends of the wound so that you would meet in the middle to tie things off. A sloppy job, yes, but the fastest route to closing the wound. He would heal faster than normal people, would probably be fine in a matter of hours, but only if you stopped the bleeding.
Once you and the doctor were finished, you again cleaned the wound and Terrian began bandaging the patient up. "Amazing, isn't it?" he asked when he was done, "It won't even leave a scar. Not on him."
You washed your hands in the nearby sink and thought of Anna. "It's not fair."
"Of course it's not," Terrian told you, wiping the blood from his hands on a stained towel. "Nothing in this world ever is.”
You dried your hands and walked again through the swinging doors. Anna was changing the bandages on a young girl's arm, but looked up when you approached. "How could you stand it? Helping that thing?"
"I didn't enjoy it, okay? But he would've died. This is a clinic, Anna. We're supposed to help dying people."
Anna stood up and stepped away from the young girl's bedside. "Yeah, people. Not them."
"But he's half human, isn't he? Isn't that enough?"
Anna snorted. "Was that enough to stop those creatures from barging into my house and slitting my mom's throat? Was it enough to stop them from crushing my brother's head under their boots? Was it enough to stop them from... from what they did to me?!"
You went silent. You didn't know what to say. You knew the half-breeds had killed most of Anna's family, but you had yet to hear any details before now. Finally, you reached out and took the other girl's hand. "I'm sorry, Anna. I'm really sorry."
Anna pulled you into a hug. "I know. I'm sorry I jumped down your throat. I just don't want to see you be hurt by them too."
"I don't think he's in a position to hurt anyone right now," you told her after you separated. "He's not even conscious."
Anna looked toward the swinging doors. "Be careful. Even when they look harmless, they're still dangerous."
You nodded, and wheeled your cart over to the other side of the room. You stopped at the bed of an elderly man who was missing both his feet. He was sweating and breathing heavily. You took his blood pressure and wrote the results in a tablet. He looked up at you with astonishingly kind eyes.
"If the nurses look like this, I'm gonna have to get my feet cut off more often," he said with a chuckle.
You pulled back the sheet to check his bandages. "You sure are a charmer, Mr. Renaldo," you said as you began unrolling the strips of cloth.
"Don't believe a word he says!" Anna called across the room, "I told him yesterday he could hold my hand while Terrian stitched him up and he said he'd rather hold my ass!"
Rhoswen stopped cleaning the bloody stumps where feet used to be long enough to lightly slap his shoulder. "You shameless flirt!"
He laughed and looked at the man in the bed next to him, who didn't seem to be in such good spirits. "Can't blame me for trying, can you?"
The other man gave a weak smile and looked away.
"Now now, let's not disturb the other patients," you said gently.
"Everybody's so glum. That's what those damn Pagoda want," he said.
You finished his bandages and patted him on the arm. You bent down and whispered to him, "Thanks for cheering us up, Mr. Renaldo."
The next few hours went by steadily but quickly, as you made your way around the room checking on people, giving out soup, changing bandages, and occasionally holding someone's hand while Terrian performed some sort of painful procedure.
Unfortunately, pain relievers were as rare and expensive as genuine jewels were in the olden days, when the sky was still blue. The only way to put a patient to sleep was to quite literally knock them out with a blunt instrument, which was a last resort.
The clinic was dirty and crowded and in shambles. The people were desperate, demanding, and understandably irritable. But you liked being there. You liked being with Anna and even Terrian, who could at least make you smile. You liked helping people who were suffering, because you enjoyed seeing a tiny flicker of hope in their eyes.
Because you could almost grasp a little bit of hope for yourself.
The clinic was all you had after your parents died. And everyday you dreaded returning to your tiny apartment where hope drained from every inch of you like red sun fading into black night. But at least you could always come back the next day, where you could laugh with Anna and everything else would fall away into dust.
It was almost time to go home, and all the patients had been taken care of. Anna left out the front door, not wanting to walk through the back room where she would have to see the lone patient on the stretcher.
You waved to Terrian, who was making one last run around the room to check everyone over, then walked into the back room. The young man was still unconscious and the rest of his clothes had been removed, a sheet draped over his body. You crept up to the stretcher and looked down, watching him breathe. After feeling certain that he was indeed unconscious, you walked into the empty patient slot you had changed in earlier and pulled the curtain closed.
You couldn't walk home in your uniform, as it was dangerous enough for a girl to be alone on the streets in the evenings, but wearing an outfit like that was a definite no. You quickly pulled it off, then reached for your jeans. But before you could even unfold them, you heard the curtain suddenly fly open.
You whirled around in anger, certain that perverted Terrian would be standing there grinning like an idiot. But you were not met with the smiling doctor, but the cold, expressionless face of the now conscious patient. His eyes, one blue and the other lime-green, bore into you, unblinking.
He was completely naked, save for the bandage across his abdomen, and you tried your best to keep your eyes on his face.
You suddenly realized that you were only in your underwear, and backed up until you bumped into a cot, holding your jeans in front of you. The man’s eyes never left you, and your heart was pounding rapidly in your chest. You had never been face-to-face with a half-breed before, not in this close proximity.
There was a pause, where both of you stared at each other for several moments, not moving. Then, in the blink of an eye, the man lunged forward and was inches away from you. You jerked backward, inadvertently ramming yourself into the cot where the metal collided with your bare back. You dropped to your knees, wincing.
When you looked back up, the half-breed was looming over you, and suddenly reached out one hand toward you. You had seen what the hands of half-breeds could do, had treated many a patient who had somehow ran into one of them. In fact, just today you had bandaged up a woman who's left arm had been pulled right off, like the wings off a fly, by a half-breed.
You curled into a defensive ball and screamed, your horrified voice ringing out through the clinic and undoubtedly to the buildings nearby.
#Alien x reader#alien x human#x reader#female reader#x reader stories#x reader romance#x reader smut#reader insert
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To Love & To Ruin
Teacher!Suguru vs. Nanago
Staying never guaranteed closeness, and Geto learned that the hard way. When jealousy turned to shame, he found himself drifting from Gojo, too scared to bridge the widening gap. Now, years later, Geto is determined to restore what they once had—only to find that Gojo has moved on with Nanami. With Nanako and Mimiko by his side, Geto hatches a plan to tear them apart and reclaim what was once his. But love, like everything else, isn't so simple.
Suguru finds himself entangled in a web of his own making, unsure whether he’s trying to fix what he broke or just ruin what Gojo has built. Meanwhile, Nanako and Mimiko’s meddling could have consequences none of them are ready for. It's turning into a full-blown JJK rewrite now with Sukuna being sealed in Shibuya.
Content Warnings:
This fic explores deep emotional themes and complex relationships. Reader discretion is advised.
Graphic depictions of violence, gore, & body horror
Character death
Depictions of grief, trauma, & survivor’s guilt
Psychological manipulation & existential dread
Mentions of desecration & unethical sorcery practices
Subtle LGBTQ+ themes
Emotional hurt/comfort dynamics
Heyyy, this is my first serious fic! Expect all the drama, angst, & some questionable decisions from our fave sorcerers. Suguru’s dealing with a lot, Gojo’s broken, & Nanami is stuck in the middle. If you're here for the emotional rollercoaster, buckle up because it’s going to get messy! 😌
Chapter 1: In Orbit, but Falling (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 2: Threading the Needle (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 3: Cold Hands, Warm Lies (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 4: The Infinity of Idiocy (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 5: Frayed at the Edges (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 6: Where the Heart Can’t Follow (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 7: Leaving Echoes (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 8: Ashes of Tomorrow (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 9: Saltwater Remains (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 10: Specter of the Living (Tumblr/Ao3)
Chapter 11: TBA
Final Notes:
Any constructive criticism is highly appreciated. Subscribe to Ao3 Chapters to be notified about future updates. :)
Come fight me on Insta/Tumblr/Ao3—@namineedstherapy.
All Works Masterlist
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#nanami kento#gojo satoru#kento nanami#gojo saturo#geto suguru#suguru geto#getou suguru#stsg angst#jujutsu kaisen angst#jjk fic#jjk fanfic#jjk fanfiction#jjk fluff#nanago#satosugu#stsg#fucking nanago#teacher geto#ryomen sukuna#toji fushiguro#fushiguro toji#jujutsu kaisen toji#toji zenin#jjk toji#jjk toji fushiguro#jujutsu toji#toji#jjk nanami
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The Rising Empress (Bang Chan) - Chapter 6 - When You're on Your Own

General Masterlist
Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
Taglist: @vxllxnsworld
Chapter 6 - When You're on Your Own
Chapter word count: 5.5k words
“Mari,” Chris enters Aristia’s room after talking to the King for about an hour. “Where is the Empress?”
“She’s currently taking a bath, Your Majesty.” The maid bows. She still seems on edge, and she’s fidgeting.
“I see. Go in and let her know that I’m waiting for her.” Chris commands. He felt like he spent way too much time chatting with the King about nothing of importance while his mind was stuck on Aristia’s weird mannerisms when she left the room.
“I beg your pardon, but she asked that no one comes in-”
“It’s a command, Mari.” Chris counters, and the maid can’t do anything but nod and follow his orders.
Chris goes to the sofa to sit down. He immediately notices the golden crown of the Empress on the floor, and with a frown, he stands up to pick it up. However, not even a few seconds later, a blood-curdling scream alerts him that something is wrong, so he runs to the source immediately.
He enters the bathroom with haste and the first thing he sees is the maid frantically pulling Aristia out of the bathtub. The water is blood-red, and he is as alerted as the maid as he comes closer and sees the source of the blood: the Empress’ back.
The moment he sees all the cuts and bruises on her back, his insides begin boiling with anger. He helps the maid take her out of the water and cover her with a large white towel.
Aristia seems lethargic, and she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t focus her eyes on him or on the maid, and her body is so incredibly cold, he shivers to the touch.
Chris takes her in his arms while he commands the maid to get the doctor quickly, and he brings her to the bed, laying her down gently with her back up.
He is hesitant to pull the towel and uncover her, but he needs to do it to assess the damage the King has done. All the lacerations he sees are deep, and he wonders how many times he’s hit her.
Moments later, Hyunjin enters the room hastily, followed by Changbin, Lee Know, Jisung and Seungmin, and as they see the state the Empress is in, they become speechless.
“All of you, get out!” Chris commands harshly, and they don’t waste any time to offer them privacy.
Hyunjin carefully approaches the bed.
“This looks so painful… are you in a lot of pain, Your Highness?” He asks, almost in a whisper, but she fails to reply. “I will clean your wounds first, which will hurt, but afterwards I will apply a calming salve and bandage everything, and it will feel so much better, I promise.”
Chris watches from a distance how Hyunjin carefully cleans each and every cut with a clean cloth and water, and how every time the cloth touches her skin, Aristia winces in pain and whimpers, turning her head away so that no one sees her cry.
When he cleans the deeper wounds, she buries her head in the pillow and cries harder, clenching the sheets with her fists and shivering.
Hyunjin keeps a frown on his face the whole time, and in-between cleaning the wounds, he pauses briefly before breathing deeply and reassuring Aristia that everything will be alright. He sometimes tries asking her questions, but she doesn’t answer. Instead, she focuses on holding her breaths, and on Hyunjin’s soothing voice, hoping it will take the pain away.
It takes a while until Hyunjin thoroughly cleans and disinfects every wound. When he’s done, he grabs his bag and pulls out a reverse cutting needle and some silk thread.
“There are some wounds that are in need of suture, Your Highness.” He informs Aristia.
“… Alright.” She whispers softly.
“I am truly sorry. I wish we could’ve numbed the area in some way so that you wouldn’t feel any pain.”
“Don’t worry. Thank you.” She replies in a voice just as soft as previously and grips the sheets again, even tighter than before.
Her knuckles turn white as she is waiting for Hyunjin to finish his work. He’s moving fast at least, and when he’s done, he applies the calming salve which cools down her back, the pain now a bit more bearable.
“I need you to sit up so I can bandage you…” He says and turns his back with a flush of his cheeks. Chris comes next to the bed and offers Aristia help, but she disregards him completely and sits up on her own, covering her chest with her right hand.
Hyunjin then turns around and bandages her whole upper body, walking Aristia through everything he’s doing.
“We will have to change these bandages every day, and when we do, we will reapply the salve for pain management.” He says. “It would be best to rest for the time being, to avoid reopening the wounds.”
“I see.” Aristia replies weakly, lying back down on the bed on her right side, facing away from Chris and Hyunjin.
She is growing more and more depressed and hopeless with each passing moment, and she doesn’t understand why she should fight to be alive when everyone wants her gone.
“Then, we’ll let you rest.” Chris says and shows Hyunjin outside. Before he steps out the door, he hears her start speaking weakly.
“How were you planning to get rid of me? Kill me somehow? Maybe poison?”
“What?” Chris turns around, shocked.
“If so, just hand it over now. Slip it in my tea in front of my eyes and I’ll drink it gladly.”
He shakes his head even if she is not able to see him, and leaves without another word.
“How bad is it, Jinnie?” Chris asks, his eyes darkened. “Will it scar?”
“I’m afraid so. Especially the bigger ones. She has so many faded marks on her back, I wonder how many times she’s been through this.”
“I can’t believe her own father would do something like that… That bastard.”
“Yeah… it must be so painful. I feel sorry for her.”
“Mhm. Thanks for treating her, Jinnie. I’ll count on you to make her better.”
Hyunjin leaves with a short bow and Chan turns around to see Lee Know and Changbin staring at him.
“What’s up?”
“Your Majesty…” Changbin starts with a long breath. “… What happened to her?”
“As you might have heard from my conversation with Hyunjin, it appears her father is not only a monster to us, but to his own daughter as well.”
Lee Know lets his head fall down, while Changbin clenches his fists.
“What are you going to do about this?” Lee Know asks.
“Nothing.” Chan shrugs. “War might break out if we-”
“Your Majesty!” Changbin exclaims loudly, getting into Chan’s face, and Lee Know begins pulling him back.
From the corner of his right eye, Chris spots someone, so he signals him to come.
“Your Highness, I apologise for my lowly behaviour.” Aristia’s guard gets down on his knees and bows low.
“I bet you are, you fucking coward-” Changbin starts, wanting nothing more than to punch the guard square in the face. However, Lee Know pulls him back once more, and Chris begins talking.
“Enough. Lee Know, Changbin, go send the King’s guards away and make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. He’s caused enough problems for today. And you,” he turns to the guard, “get up and guard Aristia. Let no one enter the room besides her maid, Hyunjin or I. Is that clear?”
Changbin bites his tongue back. He wants to ask Chris how he can trust that man to take care of her, when he’s abandoned her so conveniently earlier, but he can’t cross him in front of a subordinate, so he holds back.
The next morning, Chris visits Aristia and has breakfast with her. He tries to initiate small talk, to talk to her about anything, but her eyes are unfocused, and she’s not even touching the fork. Her shoulders are slouched, she looks tired, and she’s extremely pallid.
“Is the food not to your liking?” He asks with a worried face, but she doesn’t even look at him. In their brief interactions, she’s always challenged him, but now… it’s like that light sparkling in her eyes has faded away, and any fight she had in her is gone.
Although he comes back for lunch and dinner, the scene repeats itself, and he’s getting worried. Maybe he should let Felix see her, after all, and that might make her feel better.
He sits down at her desk and waits for her to fall asleep, the storm within his chest ravishing everything inside of him, and he feels utterly powerless faced with this situation.
What should he do?
What is the best course of action?
He didn’t want to make any decisions the previous night, when his anger was fresh, but now, he knows he has to do something. All the muscles in his body are screaming at him to go knock some sense into the King, but he can’t be rash.
Chris is deep in thought when he hears Aristia’s even breathing, and he knows she’s finally fallen asleep. He stands up, and then he sees the drawers of her desks and remembers something.
Carefully, he pulls out a small golden key from his pocket. He found it in the King’s room, the chain tied to it broken, and he picked it up and was meaning to return it to the Empress. He puts it on the desk, on top of a library pass he’s issued with her name on it, and then glances once more at the drawers.
“She keeps them locked in her drawers and carries the key at all times around her neck.” He remembers her maid saying, and he gets curious.
What type of stories are you writing? He wonders, glancing up to the sleeping girl, and decides to invade her privacy one more time. He unlocks the drawer as quietly as he can, taking out the first few papers he sees, and begins reading.
He reads of marvellous adventures in fantasy lands, of strong and bright individuals who bring change wherever they go. Every character in her stories is blessed with a strong light inside of them that shines brightly, with remarkable skills that help them overcome every difficult predicament.
Chris looks one more time at Aristia as he puts everything back in the drawer and leaves the key on the table. He realises that she always seemed to have that fighting spirit of her characters in her before, but now, she looks completely defeated.
It all becomes clear now. Even if he disregarded her as his bride, his behaviour towards her has been completely unwarranted. The moment she stepped foot in the Empire and married him, she was no longer part of the Kingdom. She became one of his people, and he’s failed to protect her.
He’s failed as the Emperor, and he’s not one bit better than her father, the King of the South.
However, there is still time to amend, time to do something to help her heal the pain in her heart, and he lets the boiling anger consume him for the first time in his life.
Huh… did I fall asleep? Aristia opens her eyes slowly and glances around the room. No one is sitting at her desk anymore, and she wonders when the Emperor decided to leave.
It’s a struggle to get up, for her empty stomach hurts and she’s nauseous, but she does it either way and tries her hardest to not wince in pain with every step she takes. Her back hurts again, the calming effect of the salve long gone hours ago.
There are no stars in the sky tonight; the sky is grey, covered in rain clouds she is only able to see due to the thunders that light everything up every now and then.
As she steps away from the balcony and approaches her desk, she notices the glimmer of her key, and she instinctively pats around her neck, only to find it’s missing.
She hasn’t even noticed it’s been missing, that’s how out of it she’s been ever since she got beaten black and blue by her father.
Next to the key, a small card that reads Library pass – Empress in golden letters glistens in the dim light of her room.
She almost wants to laugh.
She’s been begging for this for months, and only now is the Emperor generous enough to offer her the one thing she’s asked for.
Right, the Emperor.
Aristia realises that she needs to come to terms with the fact that she’s on her own, that the Emperor doesn’t and won’t give a shit about her, nor will anyone else. That’s why she’s been treated so badly her whole life. That’s what apparently happens when you’re on your own: people step on you, and you can’t do anything about it.
No one loves her.
Not even her father - her own family. The same father who hit her mercilessly for years.
She can’t believe that not even the highest title in the Empire a woman could attain was able to protect her from her father. Nothing is able to protect her. The only person who could… doesn’t care about her to do so.
She remembers how she felt when her father was hitting her, how the realisation that no one would come cut her deeper than any blade, and she figures it out, finally. She must accept once and for all that she is on her own, and that no one will ever protect her. No one.
Yes, that’s right. She knows that now.
She only has herself. She can only count on herself, and no one else will ever love her.
The only one who can save her is herself, and she has a cruel realisation: she is faced with only two choices:
One, she has to accept this merciless destiny. She will never be more than a puppet everyone easily discards as soon as they are tired playing with her, and she will suffer greatly. First, by her father’s hands, and soon enough, by her husband’s, who’s been probably planning her demise ever since he sent that marriage proposal to the Kingdom.
Or two… she takes up arms and she gets revenge on everyone who’s ever wronged her. But how? In order to do so, she needs power.
Power? She starts laughing out loud like a mad woman. Why would she even need that to stand up to her father? It would be so easy to get rid of him, if only it wouldn’t start a war.
War? She laughs again, as a sudden realisation rushes over her, as if all her feelings disappeared, but the seething anger deep in her soul.
Screw everyone else. Screw the Kingdom, screw the Empire, screw her husband, and more than anything, screw her father.
He doesn’t deserve to see the light of tomorrow’s day.
It’s like a light bulb turns on in Aristia’s head, and she no longer cares about anything.
Peace? The people of this Empire? The people of the Kingdom?
Who cares about any of that?
No one was fucking there when she needed them to protect her, so why would she protect them?
She gets out of her room and startles her guard, who immediately gets on his knees and apologises.
“Stand up.” She commands, and as soon as he does, she extends her hand towards him.
Confused, the guard looks at her with a slight tilt of his head.
“Your sword.” She looks directly at his scabbard, and he instantly puts his hand on it, as if protectively.
“Your Majesty… you wouldn’t…” The guard starts, his eyes getting watery, and she rolls her eyes.
“I’m not going to slain you, although you deserve nothing less.” She smiles insincerely.
“Then… what do you wish to do with this sword?”
“How dare you question me?” She lets out a horrifying chuckle, and once their eyes meet, the guard freezes in his spot. “After how cowardly you’ve acted, the least you can do is follow my commands without barking back.”
As soon as the words leave her lips, the guard bows and pulls out his sword, giving it to her.
“Good boy. Now, stay here and don’t make any sound. Wait for your master to come back, like a good dog would.”
She starts walking towards the guest rooms, dragging the sword after her on the marble floors.
It’s way heavier than she imagined, and her body is extremely weak. Still, she will definitely be able to wield it against her drunk father’s throat in his sleep. That much she can do.
Once she reaches his door, she’s surprised to see Lee Know and Changbin in front of it. Her gaze drops, but still, she is their Empress, and they must obey her.
“Good evening.” She smiles sombrely.
“Your Highness, what are you doing here at this hour?” Changbin asks, his eyes wide as he sees Aristia in a white, almost see-through nightgown, dragging the sword with her left hand.
“I could ask you the same.” She answers. “Is my father inside?”
“Yes, he is.”
Lee Know eyes her sharply but doesn’t say a word.
“Changbin, open the door, will you? I want to have a little chat with my father.”
“Your Highness, you are carrying a sword-” he starts, but Lee Know puts his hand on Changbin’s chest and stops him from talking.
With a slight bow, Lee Know opens the doors, and as soon as Aristia is able to see inside, her eyes grow wide.
“DAUGHTER! MY DAUGHTER! YOU’VE COME TO SPARE ME!” The King screams and begins crawling towards her, leaving a blood trail under him.
His right hand is cut off, and he’s desperately clenching a dagger with his left hand, but he looks ridiculous and small. The absurdity of the situation almost makes her laugh again, as she can’t believe she’s been scared of this little, pathetic man.
On the big armchair right next to the King, Chris is cleaning off his sword with an amused smirk playing on his lips.
“Oh, you came too?” He asks Aristia, who’s staring in shock at the sight. “Ah, look at this worm crawling and dirtying my floors. Tsk.” He says with disgust and stands up from the chair, stepping on the King’s back to stop him from moving any further.
“You little…” The King starts, but Chris just shakes his head.
“I hope you were not trying to touch my precious wife again, were you?”
“I really… didn’t know… you have a good… relationship. You didn’t even… sleep with her…”
“How is that any of your concern? How dare you hurt your own daughter, hm?” He steps on his back with more force, and the King starts coughing. Then, he steps on his hand and forces him to let go of the dagger.
“I… I’m so sorry, Aristia. My daughter. I was wrong. Forgive me.”
“Tsk. Not even a please? It’s your life at stake, King. Still hanging onto that useless pride?” Chris mocks, then looks at Aristia and chuckles. “Besides, look at your precious daughter, she was ready to come and end your pathetic life herself.”
As he says this, Aristia’s sword falls out of her hand and slams on the marble floors. The sound it makes rings in her head repeatedly, even seconds after.
“Want to give him the final blow? Here, take this, it’s way lighter than that sword.” He hands her the small dagger on the floor, and as she picks it up, she notices it’s stained with blood.
“Why are you doing this?” She asks Chris, looking into his dark eyes.
“Why?” He tilts his head. “He dared hurt my wife, the Empress of this Empire, in her own home, at that! Do you think he deserves any mercy?”
“Your wife…?” Aristia hugs herself and looks away. She doesn’t want her heart to flutter, or to feel anything but disgust. These are mere words, and Chris is just putting on a show in front of her father.
“Mhm. My wife.” He replies quietly and brushes his fingers against her cheek. They stare into each other’s eyes for a few moments before the King’s groans distract them.
“Please…” he begs. “I beg of you, spare me this one time…”
“Give me one reason not to kill you. One convincing enough for both me and the Empress.”
“War… war will break out if I die.”
“I assume both of us were already aware of that possibility when we decided to come to your room tonight.” Chris grins. “Not good enough.”
He grabs Aristia’s hand and puts his fingers on the dagger, silently conveying that if she doesn’t want to do it herself, she doesn’t have to. She slowly lets go of the dagger and lets it fall in Chan’s hands, but as he turns around, she grabs his wrist to stop him.
He looks back at her and he’s expecting to see weakness or hesitation, but instead, he’s met with the most burning pair of eyes he’s ever seen before. She bends down and grabs the sword that’s fallen from her hands moments prior and channels up all her force to deliver one final blow right through her father’s chest.
He’s dead.
He’s finally dead.
Chris escorts Aristia back to her room in silence. Her anxiety is slowly rising in her chest.
What if this is exactly what he wanted – for her to kill her father, so that he has a reason to drive her away, to murder her with no repercussions?
That way, he’d get rid of the King as well, putting all the blame on her. He’d send her back to the Kingdom where she’d be executed for treason, which would give him enough time to put his hands on the emerald mine.
All his enemies, gone at once.
Did I fall right in his trap? Aristia bites her nails, a bad habit showing her nervousness. They taste like blood.
But… how would’ve Chris known I decided to kill my father?
He couldn’t have.
“Well, then, you should get changed and rest well.” Chris says once they reach Aristia’s room and turns around to leave. “And you-” he looks at her guard that’s kneeling down in front of the door, “-stand up. This is unsightly.”
She grabs his wrist to stop him.
“Can you… come in?”
“What for?”
“I need to talk to you…”
Confused, he nods and follows her inside. They both stand awkwardly in front of the sofa, unsure if they should sit down, and the sight is quite gruesome, as they are both covered in the King’s blood.
“What is it you want to tell me?” He asks after a few seconds of silence.
“Are you… planning to kill me?” She replies with a blunt question. There’s no point in beating around the bush.
“No.” He denies immediately. “Not anymore.”
“Then, to send me back?”
“After you’ve just killed your father?” Chris chuckles coldly.
“You’d get rid of me easily.” She says quietly, forcing the words out of her mouth. Frankly, she is scared she’s given him the idea if he hadn’t thought of it already.
“I won’t send you back.” He answers just as quietly.
“I see.”
Silence befalls them once more for a few short moments, while Aristia tries to make sense of Chan’s conflicting actions. He hasn’t paid her any mind until now, but ever since he found out that her father beat her, his behaviour towards her changed drastically.
“Well, if there’s nothing else-”
“This will start a war.” She cuts him off, and they stare at each other again.
“I know.”
“So then, why? You married me to avoid the war, and now…”
“Weren’t you ready to start one yourself, Aristia?” He asks, and it’s the first time she’s ever heard him say her name. Her heart flutters again, despite her inner protests.
“The Empire… has never once protected me, so… I decided I don’t care to protect it either.” She looks away after the confession, aware of the implications behind her words.
“Fair enough.”
“… What?” She asks with confusion, looking back at him. She didn’t expect him to agree with her motives.
“You heard me. Although I doubt you don’t care about the people.” He averts his gaze briefly. “I also had a selfish reason for visiting the King tonight.”
“… Care to elaborate?”
“When I saw the state you were in… I just couldn’t let this pass. It’s the least I owe you as your husband.”
“My husband.” She chuckles bitterly. “You’ve never once been a husband to me, Chris.”
“You’re right. I wasn’t.”
She involuntarily holds her hands together, keeping her fingers as tight as possible in her hold, so as not to fidget. She breathes in and holds her breath, which is somewhat relaxing.
It helps her stop any unwanted thoughts, and she wishes she were underwater.
“Although it might not be my place to tell you this… Aristia, don’t let anyone harm that spark in you. Not the Empire, not your father, not me… It’s all you’ve got, and it’s far too beautiful to let it fade away. Stay strong, be true to your title as the Empress.”
With these words, Chris starts walking towards the door, before turning around for the last time.
“Felix will eat with us starting tomorrow morning. I can’t keep him away from you any longer.”
“What about-”
“Don’t worry about the war. We will be prepared.” He cuts her off and nods assuringly, before opening the door.
Aristia doesn’t know how to feel about this short talk with Chris. She puts her right hand on her chest and feels her heart beating abnormally fast, realising that tonight, Chris has acknowledged her as his wife and the Empress for the first time.
“Wait!” She exclaims and follows him in a rush, bumping her palm against the door and closing it again.
Chris turns around and looks at her, and in the slight glimmer coming from outside, what he notices the most is the burning in her eyes. It’s back, stronger than ever before, and he’s relieved to see something familiar on her face, instead of the dreadful emptiness in her expression.
His heart skips a beat.
“There are a few things… I still want to tell you.”
Chris nods and waits for her to speak. Her back is on fire again, she feels like crying, but she chokes back the sobs and doesn’t allow them to pass between her lips.
“I want Changbin to be my personal guard.”
“Changbin?” Chris widens his eyes in surprise. “Why?”
“I trust him.”
“… I will think about it.”
“My father’s army… I know a lot about it... Just enough to lead you to victory with the fewest losses.”
Chris widens his eyes again. This information would be crucial for a good outcome of the upcoming war, and he wants to hear more.
“What do you know about it?” He wants to thread carefully, but he doesn’t realise the Empress is just as cautious.
She chuckles briefly.
“Should I simply tell you? What’s in it for me? You confessed to planning to kill me mere minutes ago.”
“And I also added that I’m not planning it anymore, if I recall correctly.”
“Maybe not with your own hands, but everyone in this Empire hates me, including your two advisors who are probably plotting my demise right as we speak.”
“I guarantee you nothing will happen to you. I give you my word.”
“How much does your word weigh, though?” Aristia scoffs. “You vowed during our wedding to love, cherish, and protect me no matter what. So far, none of your vows were respected. You said it yourself. You were never a husband to me.”
“Neither were yours. In sickness and in health, I will stand by your side. With all that I am and all that I have, I pledge my loyalty and my love to you.” Chris scoffs as well.
“You didn’t give me any chance to get close to you. You’ve put up your barriers and thought of me as your enemy since day one.” She comes closer to him.
“I had no idea we shared an enemy instead, Aristia. Truly. I thought you were a spy.”
“You didn’t even ask me anything. You dead bolted me.”
“How could I have trusted you? You are the daughter of my enemy.” Chris frowns.
“I don’t know. How can I trust you now, then? You are a man who hates me for simply being born as a princess of the enemy kingdom.”
“… I assume you can’t.”
“Why did you marry me, anyway?” Aristia scoffs again, but quickly shakes her head and begins talking again. “My father tried to prevent me all my life from living outside of my room’s walls. What he couldn’t do, though, was make me stay away from interesting things and become knowledgeable in lots of different areas.”
“You did mention you read a lot about the sugar canes…”
“A mere 15-year-old girl should have no business knowing everything about a Kingdom’s military strategy. But I did. After my father beat me till I bled and left me on the floor barely conscious, I heard the commander of his troops and him talking. For years, this has been at least a monthly occurrence, Chris. They thought I couldn’t hear them, and that even if I did hear them, that I wasn’t smart enough to know what they meant anyway.”
Chris looks away briefly before letting his eyes fall back on Aristia’s.
“But if I was blessed with something, it was intelligence. I know everything about my father’s military, all about their strategies, the approximate number of soldiers they have, how they plan to strike back in case you attack them for the emerald mine. It’s valuable information to you and to the Empire, and I’m willing to share it with you.”
“…What do you want in return, then? If my word that you’ll be safe from now on is not enough…” He shifts, which causes them to be even closer.
His eyes get stuck on hers as he sees that bright burning once more, and he involuntarily moves his right hand, resting it on her neck. To his surprise, she leans into his touch.
“I want to be a proper Empress. I want power. I want you to let me do my job, because I’m rotting away here, and I honestly can’t do it anymore.”
“I gave you a library pass, though. You can get right back to your passion for books.”
“That library pass might’ve made the foolish woman that only cared to lead a quiet life away from the world’s gaze somewhat happy. But you see, Chris?”
She raises her right hand, touching the blood-stained gold emblems of the Empire embroidered on his shirt. She rubs it with her thumb, watching it get back its shine, reflecting her image.
For the first time in her life, she feels confident, even though she’s in front of the most powerful man on the continent. She is surprised to find his eyes no longer holding contempt at the sight of her. Instead, they seem fascinated.
Their proximity is close enough to feel each other’s breaths. Their eyes are silently fighting, their lips are so close, they’re almost touching, and Aristia’s hand lays comfortably on Chan’s broad chest.
“Months ago, it would’ve been enough. But for the woman I am today, it falls short. I am sick and tired of being a fake, a replaceable thing in the Empire’s eyes. Either make me a true Empress and use my help, or go fight this war completely blinded and lose all the men you have. For all I care, you and the Empire can go straight to hell. I have no reason to protect any of you anymore.”
With these harsh words, Aristia separates herself from Chris and turns around, signalling that she said everything she wanted, but he is not willing to let it go like this. He grabs her wrist and turns her around, pulling her body into his, and keeps her close.
His right hand finds her neck again, and lifting her head, she notices they are even closer than before, which she didn’t think was possible.
“What use do I have of you as my Empress, hm?” Chris whispers, cupping her left cheek with his hand. “My advisors are good enough in handling the bookkeeping and the budget, as well as managing the staff and making sure they look out for any suspicious patterns in the noble’s activities. With such competent people, what would I do with you?”
“And here I thought the military tactics of your most powerful enemy is enough.”
“What you’re saying is, you want the Empress’ duties as your reward for trading information with me?” Chris chuckles. “You really are clever, I’m gonna give you that.”
“I’d say you should decide quickly. You won’t be able to hide my father’s death for long.” Aristia continues challenging Chris, but if she was able to keep strong so far, her body is now giving up on her.
The pain in her back is once again unbearable, and the fact that she hasn’t eaten in days is making itself known in the weakness she feels. Her knees are almost giving out.
She has to keep strong for only a few more moments.
It’s getting hard to breathe. It’s suffocating, even. And who thought keeping your eyes open would be so difficult?
She instinctively raises her hands to grab onto Chris as her body is finally succumbing to darkness, and she falls unconscious.
Chris is quick to take her in his arms, picking her up.
“You’re all talk.” He chuckles softly.
He couldn’t deny the newfound admiration for her. She demanded something from him, confronted him, and even proved she could be useful to him.
He was willing to give in to her demands from the moment she mentioned she wanted to be a real Empress, but it was fun to keep her engaged, to challenge her some more.
If only he realised how weak she still is, he would’ve not pushed her as hard tonight.
Still, perhaps it was better that she collapsed. It would force her to finally get the rest she so desperately needs.
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
#stray kids#straykids#stray kids smut#stray kids masterlist#stray kids fanfiction#stray kids imagines#bang chan#bang chan smut#bang chan imagines#bang chan fluff#stray kids angst#stray kids scenarios#skz stay#stay#lee know#changbin#skz#hyunjin#felix#han jisung#seungmin#jeongin#wattpad#ao3#ao3 writer#fanfiction#fanfic#alternate universe#alternate universe royal#royal fanfic
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Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya x Original Female Character
Genre: Romance, Canon-Divergent AU
cw: switching POVs (2nd and 3rd person), explicit language, angst, hurt/comfort, non-canon compliant, canon-typical violence, fluff, slow burn, eventual smut, eventual time-skip
Summary: Student, big brother, sewing expert, and Second Division Caption of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Takashi Mitsuya is an 18-year-old boy who wears many different hats. With graduation approaching in a few short months, he must decide what path he wants to follow into his future: continue his life as a delinquent or live in normalcy, a concept he’s never been familiar with, an idea he’s only chased but never captured. Until one day, he meets Hana Shimizu, the very definition of ordinary. That’s what he thinks, at first. Little does he know that this “ordinary” girl would change his life.
Author's Notes: I binged all two seasons of Tokyo Revengers within the past two weeks and I'm OBSESSED with Mitsuya! He is absolutely husband material, so I was inspired to write this, I hope you like it! It's my first time writing a female original character, but I'm keeping it formatted like a reader-insert because I genuinely enjoy writing in that style. Heads up, she does have a name and a few distinct qualities - she has hair and is chubby (similar to me!), but it's not the main focus of the story. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading!

Chapter Title and Summary (spoiler-free):
Chapter 1: Cut From the Same Cloth - Takashi Mitsuya has always lived his life being true to himself. Despite being the proud Second Division Captain of the notorious Tokyo Manji Gang, he never hides the softer side of him: He cares deeply for his two younger sisters and enjoys spending his free time sewing. When a classmate, Hana Shimizu, approaches him, asking for lessons in sewing, he agrees, not seeing any downsides to having some company.
Chapter 2: On Pins and Needles - Hana babysits Luna and Mana for the first time. Mitsuya catches up with Draken before attending a short, but tumultuous Toman meeting at Musashi Shrine.
Chapter 3: A Stitch Ahead - Mitsuya is asked to create jackets for the newly appointed captains, to which he reluctantly agrees. When the deadline arrives and he still hasn’t finished, he enlists your aid to help him complete his task. The same day, the two of you make dinner together for his sisters, leaving Mitsuya with a lasting impression.
Chapter 4: Cute as a Button - Mitsuya skips a session of sewing lessons, attempting to keep his distance after realizing his growing feelings for you. You’re left wondering where you stand with him, confused by his behavior the last time you saw him. Soon enough, you both realize that these feelings are too intense to ignore.
Chapter 5: Bursting at the Seams - You and Mitsuya make your newly blossomed relationship official. To commemorate this special occasion, he invites you to his house for breakfast, where you meet his mother.
Chapter 6: Heart on a Sleeve - You and Mitsuya make your budding relationship public and things only continue to grow from there. The Tokyo Manji gang successfully absorbs the Leviathans all thanks to the efforts of new captains Tetta Kisaki and Shuji Hanma. Despite Mikey’s praise for them during this month’s meeting, Mitsuya remains wary of the two. His suspicions only increase when he runs into them while on a date with you.
Chapter 7: Reap What You Sew - A dinner with you, Mitsuya, and your parents quickly goes south. Mitsuya makes a decision that could lead to dire consequences.
Chapter 8: Hanging by a Thread - After leaving the Tokyo Manji Gang, Mitsuya feels like his life is on the right track. They have their fearless leader Mikey back to his usual self and Mitsuya’s relationship with Hana grows stronger day by day. They graduate, ready for the next big step in their lives. But with everything said and done, the past will always haunt the brothers of Toman, for better and for worse.
Chapter 9: A Rough Patch (tbd)
Chapter 10: Mending What's Broken (tbd)

Please do not plagiarize any of my works or translate without my permission! Thank you!
#tokyo revengers#takashi mitsuya#mitsuya takashi#mitsuya x reader#mitsuya x you#mitsuya x y/n#mitsuya x f!reader#tokyo revengers mitsuya#mitsuya smut#mitsuya fluff#mitsuya x original character#tokyo revengers x you#tokyo revengers fanfiction#tokyo revengers smut#tokyo revengers x reader
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I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. He’s an asshole. He just is because I wanted to write him loud, demanding, everything. There’s 3 new characters thrown in because why not? Future Wife gets a name as well! A/N: I have no idea when Buggy became a Captain, so he’s a fresh faced captain in this. No clue how long this fic will be. I just started on the 4th chapter but I’m excited to write it out! I had fun with the original fic and decided to write the prequel to how they met. Enjoy!
Also I have to go back to chapter 5 of my Kid Buggy fic since they talk most about their relationship beginnings in there, oops. I also wanted to write Buggy as the sort of "I'm a smooth operator until I'm not". And the Future Wife gets named in this chapter because I decided she needed a name.
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 3
You saw him again a month later. He really was popping by for every little thing now, and this time was no different. You were working on a dress for a customer while the girls were ironing and hemming other orders. When Buggy burst into the shop he paused for a brief moment when he saw you before marching up to the counter where your boss waited.
“What now?” She demanded. Buggy glared at her but he held his ground, not backing down from her.
“I… need something fixed.” He said, glancing in your direction briefly before pointing to his shoes. “My socks.”
“We don’t mend socks.” Your boss told him firmly. “Throw them out and get new ones.”
“You can’t fix them?!” He exclaimed. Miss Pins shook her head. Buggy took a deep breath, looking as though he was trying to think of something else. “Well, can you-”
“I can darn the socks.” You told him as you set your needle and thread down. Your boss glared at you, trying to tell you to sit down and stop helping this guy without speaking a word but you chose to ignore her. You pushed your chair back from the table and smiled at him. “But I’ll only do it if they’re washed. I assume you’re wearing them right now?”
Buggy turned red and looked away from you as he nodded. You chuckled softly and shook your head as you stood up. “Okay, come with me. Let’s get you taken care of.”
Your boss and coworkers watched as the pirate followed after you to the backroom like a little puppy follows his owner. Miss Pins was going to have words with the both of you about this: he needed to stop coming around and you needed to stop being nice to him. He wasn’t some stray you needed to keep feeding. He was a damn pirate who needed to get back on his ship and sail away. While it wasn’t uncommon for the shop to have repeat customers, he was a thorn in Miss Pins side since he first showed up. She did not like him one bit and she did not like the way he looked at you.
You had Buggy sit down and remove his shoes while you got the washing bin ready. Since one of the services was to clean customers' clothes for them, you saw no reason why you wouldn’t wash his socks before mending them. Buggy said nothing as he removed his socks and held them out to you, but you grabbed a bowl and had him set them in there. He frowned but did as you asked before leaning forward in his seat, watching you as he tried to tuck his feet under the chair.
“I never know when to expect you, Captain.” You told him as you mixed the cleaning solution into the bin. Once it was ready you grabbed the bowl and tossed his socks into the soapy water. “But I enjoy the surprise of you showing up.”
“Well, I have things that need to be mended.” He shot back as he turned red. It wasn’t like he was coming here on purpose to have you fix his things. “And this is the only place that caters to pirates and does a decent job.”
You glanced at him with a smile as you added a small agitator into the bowl, stirring up the water and socks to get them clean. “I’m glad you chose us then, Captain.”
“Buggy.” He mumbled, looking down at his feet. You frowned, not hearing him at first but he cleared his throat and spoke a little louder. “You can call me Buggy.”
“Oh.” You looked back at the water that was getting dirtier with each agitation. Calling him by his first name was a little personal. “Okay.”
“I… never learned your name.” He continued to mumble, looking incredibly uncomfortable and unsure of himself right then.
“That’s because I never told you.” Was your response as you pulled the socks from the water to wring them out. You set them aside and dumped the dirty water before refilling the tub with fresh water.
“Well, what’s your name then?” Buggy asked. “What should I call you?”
You winked at him and went back to cleaning the socks. “Whatever you want to call me, Buggy.”
He felt a small surge of courage right then as he now leaned back in his chair with a smirk. The chair tilted backwards, resting on two legs while the other two were inches off the ground. “Can I call you Babe?”
The courage left as soon as it arrived because you turned to look at him, face unreadable, and he lost his balance and tipped the chair backwards with him in it, his legs flying up and over, his torso separating from his body and landing beside him.
You just stared at him in shock for a moment before rushing over to grab his legs. This… was weird. Very weird. His body seemed to snap back together and he stared at you in horror. Was this something pirates were able to do, separate their body parts like that?
“Are you okay?” You managed to ask. “Buggy, your body-”
“I’m fine!” He snapped as he pulled away from you, embarrassed by what you saw. He didn't want you to see that, not yet when he was trying to get to know you. “Don’t to-”
You took his hat off his head and set it aside, ignoring his temper as you touched his head, feeling for any bumps from the fall. His entire body went rigid, eyes wide, almost fearful as you cupped his cheeks, looking into his eyes. You were just checking for injury, maybe a concussion from the tumble, but then you smiled with relief.
“You didn’t hit your head too hard it seems.” You said as you started to pull your hands back, but he grabbed you and your eyes widened when you saw his hands on your wrists but with no arms attached to them. “Buggy, are you okay?”
“What’s all this noise?” Miss Pins demanded as she came into the back, Livia and Edith following behind her. “I swear, if you two are fu-”
She stopped when she saw the two of you: Buggy on the ground with you kneeling over him with disembodied hands on your wrists. At least Buggy had the mind to look embarrassed by the situation while you just smiled at your boss as you explained what happened.
“Chair tipped back and he took a tumble, but he’s okay.” You told her as his hands returned to his arms. “Sorry if we were loud.”
Everything was okay for a moment, but you and Buggy both saw Livia lean over to Edith and not so quietly whisper, I guess his nose is real since it stayed on when he fell.
What if it’s glued on? Edith whispered back. I still think it's fake. No one has a nose like that.
He has a nose like that. Livia grinned as she glanced in his direction. I bet it honks.
Buggy didn’t even have the chance to react because you were scolding the teenagers for him; even Miss Pins had her arms crossed and was giving the apprentices both a look.
“Don’t talk about his nose, you two!” You snapped at them, friendly demeanor gone and replaced with a fierce protectiveness, startling the two of them and even Buggy. “Honestly! Apologize for being rude now! I cannot believe you both!”
“But-” Livia started to say but Edith cut her off.
“You’re not in charge!” The other teen exclaimed, looking up at Miss Pins. “He’s been nothing but rude to us since he first came here! Why do we have to be nice to him?”
“Because he’s a paying customer.” Miss Pins told her. “And he’s never been rude to you two, just me and Sunny, so you two apologize to the Captain now.”
The two looked at their caretaker before reluctantly looking back at Buggy. With the way you were glaring at them they knew they needed to apologize or else. The look of absolute fury in your eyes terrified them more than Buggy’s behavior had so far.
“I’m sorry.” They both said before you pointed to the door.
“Go clean the kitchen and start dinner, both of you.” You ordered. “You’ll also clean the kitchen again tonight after dinner.” You shook your head and sighed. “I’m so disappointed in the two of you.”
Livia and Edith’s jaws dropped and they looked at Miss Pins once more. She nodded in agreement with what you were saying. At this point she trusted you (kind of) to make certain decisions, and speaking about a customer like that in front of him was grounds for punishment. Both left the room, grumbling about it being unfair.
“Fix his socks and then he leaves, understand?” Miss Pins said. “And be quieter in here.”
You nodded, swallowing heavily as you tried to calm yourself down. It wasn’t often you got angry like that, but you were upset for him that they would say that in front of him like that. Your hands were shaking as you stood up, reaching out to pull him to his feet. He reluctantly allowed help, but as soon as he got to his feet he turned to head to the door but you held onto his hand.
“Buggy, wait.”
“What?!” He snapped as he turned to face you, cheeks burning from embarrassment. You were just a tailor, a shopgirl, you had no business being nice to him apart from getting paid for it. He didn’t need you coming to his defense when people made comments about his appearance, it happened enough that he always handled it with yelling and violence. No one ever apologized, and yet you had the two do it.
“I’m sorry.” You told him, giving his hand a squeeze. “They shouldn’t have said those things.”
Buggy stared at you for a moment. His brain was going a million miles a minute as he processed your words, the way you were looking at him with those kind eyes that minutes before were full of absolute fury. He felt your warmth through his gloved hand and he wondered if he should take it off so he could feel how soft your skin was. There was a brief flicker of familiarity of your words, but he couldn’t recall ever hearing someone say that before to him. It must have happened in a dream.
He finally jerked out of your grasp and grabbed his boots and hat before storming out of the backroom. Miss Pins looked up as he walked through the shop, eyebrow raised as she saw him carrying his boots, but she said nothing. Maybe he would finally stop coming around and being a nuisance after all this.
Except he would need to come back for his socks.
#buggy the clown#buggy the clown x reader#buggy x reader#buggy x you#buggy the clown x you#opla buggy the clown#opla buggy the clown x reader#opla buggy x reader#opla buggy the clown x you#opla buggy x you#buggy x oc#opla buggy x oc#buggy the clown x oc#opla buggy the clown x oc#sunny x buggy#one piece#one piece oc#one piece fanfiction
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Thread The Needle
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x Fem! Reader
Total word count: 48.6k (complete)
Synopsis: You've been pining for your best friend of ten years, unbeknownst to you he's also hopelessly in love with you. Will your final college project bring you closer and finally admit your feelings? Or will it drive a wedge between you?
Tags: Best friend! Hobie, fashion student! reader, fem! Reader. Best friends to lovers, idiots in love, lots of pining, is it still slow burn if they're already in love? Hurt/comfort, FLUFF. Specific warnings are listed per chapter.
Disclaimer: I have no experience in fashion design or went to school for it. I've based my knowledge on my own research and what I've seen in various media.
*I don't consent to having my work translated/ published on other platforms*
All images used are from pinterest
Main Masterlist
CHAPTER 1 - Pin my heart
CHAPTER 2- Loose thread
CHAPTER 3- Knee Socks
CHAPTER 4- Threadbare
CHAPTER 5- Woven Wheel
CHAPTER 7- Crossed Stitch
CHAPTER 8- Out of Style
CHAPTER 9- Threaded Through
CHAPTER 10- Parallel Cut
TTN one shots (Spoiler Warning ⚠️)
Classroom inspo
Chapter 8 outfit inspos
TTN secrets (Spoiler Warning ⚠️)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Submitted by the readers ❤️
Chapter 8 fanart by @thesevenofstaves
TTN Memes by @hunx147 (Spoiler Warning ⚠️)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Songs recommended by readers to listen to while reading ❤️
Spotify playlist
From the start by Laufey, Chemtrails over the country club by Lana Del Rey, good old fashioned lover boy by Queen, Just a friend to you by Meghan Trainor, I bet on losing dogs by Mitski, Everything in you by adventure time, What a wonderful world cover by the Brooklyn duo, me and your mama by Childish Gambino, A thousand years by Cristina Perry, Tis the damn season by Taylor Swift, thousand years cover by new found glory, Outset island by Hot freaks, Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo.
#thread the needle#thread the needle masterlist#hobie brown x reader#spider punk x reader#spider punk#hobie brown#the kr8tor's creations#spider man across the spider verse#x reader#atsv fanfiction#atsv x reader#atsv hobie#fanfic#first series letss goooo#series masterlist#hobie brown x fem!reader#spider punk x fem!reader
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Gwaine x Reader - 'The Threads That Bind Us' - Chapter 13
Story Summary:
You, a humble dressmaker from Camelot’s lower town, are commissioned to make a new gown for Queen Guinevere. Impressed by your skills, she offers you the position of Royal Clothier. During your time in the castle, you catch the eye of one of the knights of King Arthur’s inner circle, Sir Gwaine. What starts as a sweet courtship is turned upside down when misfortune strikes and you must deal with the aftermath, as well as an unwelcome visit from Gwaine’s unpleasant sister.
Rating: Mature
Tags: Female Reader/Gwaine, set between seasons 4 and 5, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
Words: 3,795
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Read on Ao3
The next morning after breakfast, you draft a pattern for your new gown, then start making a mock-up. By sunset, the mock-up is sewn and has been tried on about four times, adjustments being made in between, until at last you are happy with it.
The next day, you cut the pattern pieces from silk and begin sewing the proper gown, working non-stop after breakfast until you are interrupted by a knock at your door. You put down your needle and cross the room, opening the door to find Gwaine looking back at you.
“You’re up and about!” You exclaim.
“And glad of it too. I was beginning to wonder if one could die of boredom,” He replies. “Anyway, want to walk down to the market with me and get some lunch?”
“Isn’t it a little early for lunch?”
Gwaine quirks a brow. “I don’t believe so. This is about the usual time,”
“I’m sorry, I’ve been so focused, I didn’t realise how much time has passed,”
“You’ve been working? I thought you’d finished the king and queen’s attire?”
“I did. I’m working on something for myself,”
“For the feast?”
Gwaine peers over your shoulder. “May I see?”
“No, you may not,” You give a sly smile as you close the door a little, so it’s just wide enough for your face. “I want it to be a surprise,”
He crosses his arms. “Now you’ve got me curious,”
“Well, you’ll have to be patient,” You smirk. “Wait here. I’ll just grab my shawl and then we can go,”
Gwaine asks you to show him where you bought the pies for the indoor picnic, so you lead him to the shop and he purchases one for each of you. You sit on a bench just outside the shop to eat them, before heading back up market street. Gwaine seems to take an interest in the market stalls, his eyes darting over their wares.
“Looking for something in particular?” You ask.
“Hmm?” Gwaine snaps to attention. “Oh, not really. Just taking in all that our glorious city has to offer,” He grins.
You continue up market street at a leisurely pace, allowing yourself time to peruse since Gwaine seems to be doing so.
“It’s so good to see you up and about again,” You say once you reach the end of the traders’ stalls. “Does your wound still cause you any pain?”
“Occasionally, if I move a certain way,” Gwaine replies. “But it’s mostly alright,”
“I’m so thankful Merlin helped,” You sigh, dreading to think what the outcome may have been if he hadn’t.
“Merlin?” Gwaine frowns. “It was Gaius who healed me,”
“He did initially, yes. But whatever he was doing wasn’t working fast enough. Him and Merlin argued about how to treat you, and Merlin had to apply his remedy behind Gaius’ back,”
“Well, I’ll make sure to thank Merlin then,” Gwaine smiles. “Sounds like you were quite the regular visitor to my bedside,”
“Of course I was, I was worried sick! I… thought you might die,”
Gwaine halts and takes your hand in his, giving it a firm squeeze. “It means a lot that you were there with me,” He says seriously, before smiling. “But it’ll take a lot more than bandits to get rid of me,”
Your hand remains in his as you continue up the street.
“Merlin said you tended to me while I was unconscious, helped keep my fever down,” Gwaine says.
You nod.
“Spent a lot of time seeing me shirtless,” He smirks.
Your cheeks flood with warmth.
“Did you like what you saw?” Gwaine asks, eyes twinkling with mischief.
You give him a playful shove. “Being improper, and fishing for compliments,” You shake your head, but can’t hold back a smile. “I shan’t say anything,”
“I shall take that as a yes,”
“You’ll do no such thing!”
You continue walking, biting your bottom lip to hold back your grin, while Gwaine keeps step beside you, looking very amused and pleased with himself.
It’s not until you arrive at your chambers that you realise your hand remained entwined with Gwaine’s the entire way back. He unthreads his fingers and hooks his hand under yours, raising it to his lips. He plants a soft but lengthy kiss at the base of your fingers, his eyes locked onto yours. Your heart thumps as you hold his gaze, a flare of desire tearing through your body. He pulls his lips away and he lowers your hand, but still holds it in his.
“I shall leave you to your secret business now, my lady,”
At last, he pulls his hand away from yours, agonisingly slowly, so his fingers caress your skin from your palm to your fingertips, until the contact is finally broken. Heat pools in your core, the skin on your hand buzzing, as if it can still feel his touch. Gwaine gives you a warm but slightly mischievous smile, as if he knows exactly what kind of reaction he has stirred within you, before he turns and heads down the corridor, disappearing around a corner. You step into your chambers, resting your back against the door as you close it behind you, relishing the pleasant sensation coursing through you. You raise your hand to your face, the feeling of his lips still lingering on your fingers, and press it against your cheek, longing for more of his touch. You recall the long talk between you those days ago, the feeling of his arms around you when you were upset, and wish for him to hold you again, but in a moment of joy rather than sorrow.
You stand with those feelings for a time, unaware how many minutes have passed, until your heartbeat settles and you come to your senses. You must refocus your thoughts. You have a lot of work to do before the feast.
You spend the last few hours of daylight sewing before stopping to make dinner. Your thoughts remain on the gown as you eat, visualising it finished and how you will look in it, but your imaginings stop short at one detail: your hair. What are you to do with it? You can’t wear your cap to an event like this. Not only is it inappropriate for the occasion, it will completely ruin the look. But your hair length is also inappropriate for any occasion. You would be gawked at and you’d be an embarrassment.
Once you’ve finished washing up, you go to your bedchamber and sit in front of the mirror, unpinning your cap and removing it. Your hair has grown some since it was cut, but nowhere near enough to be socially acceptable. Your mood darkens as you wonder if you should bother continuing with the gown, and the part of you that still fears Gwaine will find your true appearance repellent rises to the surface.
You stare back at your reflection, hair flat and frizzy from being under the cap all day. You tear your gaze away, fists clenched, and prepare for bed.
You continue on the gown the next day, though your mind drifts and progress is slow, since your previous ambition has dwindled. As your length of thread is running short, you finish your current line of stitching and fiddle with the needle between your fingers, trying to decide whether you should rethread it or stop for the day, when there’s a knock at your door. Placing the needle down, you stand and cross the room, opening the door to find Gwen.
“I just thought I’d check in,” She smiles. “I haven’t seen you since receiving my gown,”
“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy. Though I still should have made time for you,” You step aside to allow Gwen to enter.
“It’s quite alright. Have you been spending a lot of time with a certain knight?” She raises a brow mischievously.
“I have,” You admit, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “But I’ve also been working on my own gown for the harvest feast,”
“Oh, may I see?”
You nod and lead Gwen to your work table where the gown is currently laid out, though a bit crumpled.
“That’s coming along nicely,” Gwen carefully smooths out the fabric with her hands, inspecting your work. “I can’t wait to see when it’s finished,”
She looks up at you with a smile, but upon seeing your expression, and your lack of response, her smile falters.
“Are you not happy with it?”
“It’s not that, it’s just,” You sigh. “I don’t know what to do about this,”
You remove your cap, hair falling against your neck and brushing along your collarbones. Gwen approaches, lifting a hand and running a lock of your hair through her fingers.
“It’s grown some,” She says.
“But not nearly enough,”
Gwen’s gaze wanders over your hair thoughtfully. “Have you ever curled your hair before?”
“I wonder if we should try it, then it wouldn’t look so flat. I think once it’s got a bit of curl to it, it could look quite pretty,”
“Perhaps,” You shrug. “But I don’t know how to do that. I’ve never been good at styling hair,”
“Well, I am. I did used to be a lady’s maid,” She smiles and glances toward your fabric shelves. “Do you have any linen scraps?”
“I should have something,” You walk over to the shelves and rummage through the collection of fabric, until you find a square scrap of white linen. “Will this do?”
“That will do very nicely,” Gwen holds out her hand and you pass her the linen. “May I borrow your scissors?” She asks.
“Of course,” You retrieve them from your sewing box and give them to her.
Gwen thanks you and she lays out the piece of fabric on a clear section of your work table, before cutting it into strips. Once all the fabric is cut, she stacks the strips into a neat pile.
“Wet your hair tonight,” She says. “But don’t soak it. It needs to be just damp. I’ll come back after dinner and show you what to do. This can be a trial run. If you like the results, we can repeat the process the night before the harvest feast. If not, we can try something else,”
Gwen arrives at your chambers about an hour after you finish your dinner, and you carry a chair to your bedchamber, Gwen refusing one for herself since she says it’ll be easier to do the process while standing. You place the chair in front of the mirror and sit, while Gwen arranges the fabric strips and comb on the vanity. She takes a section of hair in one hand, and with the other, places one of the strips, which is much longer than the hair, beside it, then wraps the lock of hair round the strip in a spiral. Once the entire length of the hair has been coiled around, Gwen holds it in place with one hand, while with the other, she wraps the remaining length of fabric around the hair, working from the bottom up this time, until the hair is completely covered, then ties the two ends of the strips together, securing the hair inside. She repeats this process until all your hair is secured.
“While you sleep tonight, your hair shall dry and set into the curls,” Gwen says, looking at you through the mirror, a hand on your shoulder. “Take them out tomorrow and see. It might look silly at first, as they will require a fair bit of brushing, but I think you will like the result,”
You reach up and rest your hand over Gwen’s. “Thank you for this,”
“You are welcome,” She smiles. “I shall leave you to enjoy the rest of your night. I might stop by tomorrow to see how our little experiment has gone,”
After breakfast the next morning, you return to the mirror and remove the rags from your hair, revealing tight ringlets. You are alarmed at first, but remember what Gwen said about brushing, so you pick up your hairbrush from beside the basin and begin working on your hair. At first, the curls seem to just bounce back to exactly how they were once the brush has run through them, but after a time, you notice them begin to soften.
After about fifteen minutes of continuous brushing, the hair has taken on some kind of style. You put down the brush and turn your head side to side, inspecting yourself in the mirror. You still look odd compared to other women about the castle, but… perhaps you could be seen like this?
You rush from your bedchamber and grab your unfinished gown, returning to hold it in front of you before the mirror. With a little squinting and imagination, you envision the final look and think it may just work. You leave your bedchamber again, gown draped over one arm, with a renewed vigour for sewing, when there’s a knock at your door. Placing the gown down, you move to answer it, before remembering your hair and stopping in your tracks.
“Who is it?” You call out.
“It’s Gwen,” A voice says from the other side of the door.
You continue to the door and open it, Gwen gasping when she sees you.
“(Y/N), that looks lovely!”
You grin and show her inside, closing the door behind her.
“I just came by to see how it went, but I can see right away that it’s gone very well!” She beams.
“You think so?”
“I do!”
“So, you think I could go to the feast like this?”
“(Y/N), you can go to the feast however you like. I know you are afraid of being different, but different doesn’t mean bad. I don’t believe anyone there will think poorly of you. If anything, they will be intrigued by your unique beauty,”
You chuckle. “I’m not so sure about that,”
A thought occurs to you and in an instant, your newfound excitement dissipates. There could be someone there who thinks very poorly of you.
“Will Gwaine’s sister be at the feast?” You ask.
Gwen frowns. “The nobility are invited, so I suppose she will be,”
“I can’t possibly go if she is going to be there,” You shake your head and begin to pace.
“I’m sure you will still have a good time,”
“I don’t think I could have a good time with her there. I wouldn’t be able to ignore her, I’d be waiting for her to say something unkind, or do something. Who knows, she might purposely spill her wine on my gown or something,”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I wish I could tell her she can’t attend, but I’m afraid I cannot,” Gwen purses her lips thoughtfully. “Perhaps I could engage her in conversation for the whole evening, so she won’t have the chance to do or say anything to you,”
You cease your pacing. “But then your night would be unpleasant,”
Gwen shrugs. “I have gotten rather good at talking to people I don’t like since becoming queen,”
“I don’t know,” You sigh. “That is a kind offer Gwen, thank you, but I think I should work this out myself,”
“Alright, but please don’t let the prospect of Erika being there quell your excitement. Your hair is going to look beautiful, and I can already tell that your gown is going to be stunning. Not to mention, you’ll be going with Sir Gwaine. He’s known for being lots of fun, not to mention the fact that he adores you. Everything will work out,” Gwen smiles and gives your arm a reassuring squeeze. “But if you are still feeling apprehensive, please talk to Gwaine about it. Don’t keep your feelings to yourself, alright?”
“Alright,” You nod. “I will speak with him today,”
“Good,” Gwen smiles. “I shall leave you to it,”
After working on your gown for another two hours or so, you leave your chambers to see Gwaine.
You reach his door, raising your hand to knock, but falter. You shouldn’t bother him with this. It’s your issue, so you should work it out for yourself. Besides, what do you expect him to do? You lower your hand and turn around, taking a few steps back the way you came, when you hear a door unlatch and someone call your name. You turn around to see Gwaine standing at his chamber door.
“Is everything alright?” He asks.
“Yes, I’m fine,” You force a smile.
Upon hearing approaching footsteps, you turn to see Sir Elyan striding down the corridor. He nods in your direction and smiles.
“Good day, (Y/N),” He says, before disappearing into presumably his own chambers.
Gwaine steps out into the corridor, dressed very casually in his grey tunic and trousers, with only socks covering his feet, and closes the gap between you.
“If there’s something on your mind, I’m happy to hear it,” He offers.
The sound of approaching chatter has you turn around again to see Sirs Leon and Percival appear at the end of the corridor. They incline their heads in your direction as they advance, as Sir Elyan did.
“Good morning, (Y/N),” Leon says kindly.
His hair is damp, some of his curls sticking to his sweaty forehead. They must have just come back from training.
“I hope you’re well?” Percival says from beside Leon, with a grin, his gaze flicking between you and Gwaine beside you.
“I am well, thank you,” You reply.
Gwaine grimaces and watches his comrades until they enter their respective chambers, before addressing you again.
“Would you like to come inside?” He takes a step back toward his chamber door. “Then we might have some privacy,” His eyes flick to the entrances to the other knights’ rooms.
You nod and follow him inside, where he invites you to sit at the table. You take a seat and he closes the door before sitting down across from you.
“I shouldn’t bother you with it,” You say quietly.
“(Y/N),” Gwaine smiles sadly. “You never have, and never could, bother me. What’s the matter?”
You sigh. “I just realised today that… well, it hadn’t occurred to me that Erika would be at the harvest feast,”
“Ah,” Gwaine crosses his arms. “I spoke with her today,”
“You did? What about?”
“Just… everything you and I spoke of. I suppose I wanted to confront her, but also try to understand why she did what she did,”
“I see,”
“I needn’t speak of it,” Gwaine shakes his head.
“No… I would like to know what she had to say for herself,”
“Alright,” Gwaine straightens in his chair. “It turns out she’s been bitter all these years about me leaving home when I did. She felt I left her to fend for herself, while I had an easy escape. She’s been cruel to you because you make me happy and she thinks I don’t deserve to be happy. She came to Camelot to try to find a place for herself here. Supposedly none of the men back home are good enough for her,”
“When I overheard her in the courtiers’ wing, her companion mentioned something about Erika’s ‘quest’, and Erika replied, saying something about someone falling in love with her,”
Gwaine nods. “She’s been speaking to the other knights, clearly trying to gain their favour. Leon, Percival and Elyan have all had her approach them. They’ve all managed to shrug her off, though she was quite persistent for a time,”
“So, she was hoping to secure one of the knights and what, get married and live in Camelot? What about your mother?”
“If Erika was to settle here, I would see about finding a place for my mother as well. That is if she’d even want to live here,”
“Why wouldn’t she? Isn’t she in, please excuse the term, a reduced position?”
“Not so much anymore,”
You raise your brows in question.
“Since I became a knight,” Gwaine continues. “I’ve been sending her a portion of my wages in an attempt to better her and Erika’s circumstances,”
“And still Erika treats you so poorly?”
Gwaine shrugs. You reach a hand across the table and he places one of his own around it.
“Sending part of my wages was the least I could do after I ran away. There was no money being sent to them then,”
“You mustn’t punish yourself for your past mistakes, especially since you are doing what you can now,”
“You are kind to say so,” He gives your hand a gentle squeeze. “Anyway, back to the matter at hand: Erika being at the feast,”
“Do you think she’ll behave, now that you’ve spoken to her?”
Gwaine sighs, running a hand over his chin. “I don’t know. She never actually said she was sorry,”
“Oh,” Your heart sinks.
“I’ll work something out,” He strokes the back of your hand with his thumb. “I won’t let anyone spoil our night,”
Gwaine waits beside the courtyard steps, greeting his fellow knights as they approach, chests heaving and brows sweaty from their afternoon training.
“Enjoy your respite while you can, Gwaine,” Percival grins, giving Gwaine a playful slap on the shoulder as he passes.
About a quarter of an hour goes by, and the man he’s been waiting for comes into view, a bundle of swords and shields slung over his back.
“Merlin!” Gwaine calls out as he crosses the courtyard to meet his friend. “Let me help you with that,”
“You shouldn’t, it could aggravate your injury,” Merlin says in a strained voice.
“I think I can manage carrying a few swords,” Gwaine says, already taking some from Merlin’s bundle.
Merlin nods in thanks and keeps walking.
“Everything alright?” He asks as they climb the courtyard steps.
“Yes and no,” Gwaine replies. “(Y/N) is going to the feast with me,”
“I heard,” Merlin grins. “I’m glad you two were able to sort things out,”
Gwaine smiles. “Me too. There is a problem though. My sister is going to be there and it’s making (Y/N) anxious. Honestly, it’s making me anxious too,”
“You’re worried she’ll try to ruin yours and (Y/N)’s night?” Merlin asks, stepping inside the castle and turning down a passage.
“I am,”
“What are you going to do?”
“I wondered if you, being the physician’s apprentice, might know of something that could… prevent Erika from attending,”
Merlin stops in his tracks. “What, like poison?” He says in an alarmed whisper.
“No! Who do you think I am, Merlin?” Gwaine shakes his head, wide-eyed. “I mean something that might make her a bit… unwell, or unsightly, so she won’t want to be seen in public,”
Merlin purses his lips thoughtfully. “Leave it to me,”
#gwaine x reader#reader x gwaine#merlin fic#bbc merlin#merlin bbc#bbc merlin fic#gwaine#sir gwaine#reader insert#my writing
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The Curse of Cassandra [EP : VII]
Read in Ao3 : here
Pairings: Qimir x f!reader(SEA Reader) [The Acolyte]
Content Rating : Mature 18+ Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning (AT YOUR OWN RISK)
tags/themes : Alternate Universe - Dune & Star wars, Partners in Crime, Strangers to Lovers
Summary: You start a new life on the planet Olega with the man you love. If your life were a novel, this would be the happy ending. But fate never lets you rest. One day, you find yourself facing three unfamiliar Jedi, and one of them, a Jedi Knight named Yord, captures your attention in an inexplicable way.
Status: finished writing this fic! (It will end in Episode 14)
A/N : Since there are more chapters now, if you don’t want to miss any updates, you can ask me to add your username for notifications whenever a new chapter is posted. Just let me know in a reply, and I’ll make sure you’re included in the next update.
ps. I'll be in Singapore for the F1 from this Thursday until next Tuesday, so I'll pause updating my fic for one week. I hope you can wait patiently.
➡ Intro // EP : 1 // EP : 2 // EP : 3 // EP : 4 // EP : 5 // EP : 6 // EP : 8 // EP : 9 // EP : 10 // EP : 11 // EP : 12 // EP : 13 // EP : 14 (Completed)
Special OS : Phantom Thread // My mother is my enemy
[Episodes 7] It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
It’s often said that the safest place is also the most dangerous one.
Perhaps that’s why Qimir chose to remain hidden on Olega, despite it being home to the Jedi Temple, a major stronghold of the galaxy’s peacekeepers.
For most people, there was no reason to fear the Jedi, who were meant to protect them from harm. But that wasn’t the case for you. You remembered well what Qimir had told you: the Jedi were looking for you, too. Even though their exact motives remained unclear, the sense of paranoia never left your mind. Especially after the massacre on Tatooine, you and Qimir felt like fugitives—always just one step away from being caught if any evidence linking you to the crime surfaced and exposed your secret.
You hated being here. Given a choice, you would have fled to some remote planet at the edge of the galaxy. But Qimir had different ideas. “Most of those who know about your bounty are outlaws or trade federations. Neither group gets along with the Jedi, so they won’t be snooping around places where Jedi gather,” he reasoned. “And the Jedi? They’re too preoccupied with galactic affairs to pay much attention to the planet they’re on. Besides, you don’t have the Force, so finding you would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.”
Qimir wasn’t wrong. Life on Olega had turned out to be unexpectedly peaceful. Despite the city’s persistent chaos, it made hiding much easier. You and Qimir had managed to stay under the radar for over a year without major problems. Everything had settled so seamlessly that you almost forgot what it was like to be on the run from other planets.
With no need to keep moving, Qimir had shifted from his life as an illegal mercenary to opening a modest pharmacy. He also worked as a broker, selling medicines and various odds and ends to travelers passing through. Meanwhile, you had taken on the role of his assistant and personal apprentice. Qimir was dedicated to teaching you both the theory and practice of his knowledge, especially in combat. He also encouraged you to continue developing your powers rather than suppressing them as you had before. Like your mother, Qimir believed your abilities were too valuable to be wasted.
“Haven’t you ever thought,” Qimir once said, “that someone like you could rise to replace the Jedi one day? With your power, you could bring far more to the galaxy than they ever could.”
His words seemed absurd, like a far-fetched joke meant to tease you. You laughed every time, confident that such a thing would never happen.
Never getting involved with the Jedi, no matter what, had always been your rule for survival.
But sometimes, fate can be cruelly ironic, and this was a joke that wasn’t amusing at all.
That's what occurs at noon on a Friday—one of fate's cruel jokes when you unexpectedly find yourself face-to-face with a group of Jedi.
It all takes place at Qimir’s pharmacy on a day he isn’t around. Lately, he has been disappearing more frequently—sometimes for two or three hours, or even the better part of a day—claiming he has business to attend to involving herbal shipments from other planets. As a result, you’re left to run the store in his absence, handling the medicines and assisting customers as usual.
But everything changes the moment the shop’s bell rings and the door swings open. Brilliant sunlight floods the store, heralding the arrival of three strangers you’ve never seen before.
One of them is a teenage theelin-human hybrid girl, with paper-white skin adorned with spots and orange hair with small horns encircling her head like a crown. The other two are human men—one middle-aged, with long black hair tied in a half-ponytail, his face stern and serious; the other younger, with sharp features, sun-bronzed skin, and a tall, muscular frame, likely not much older than you.
They couldn’t be more different from each other, except for their identical attire. They’re dressed in light yellow tunics, covered by long brown robes, and each wears a large belt with the unmistakable emblem of the Jedi Order.
Jedi—The realization hits you like a bolt of lightning the moment your eyes land on their belts, and you instinctively draw in a sharp breath.
You quickly wipe your sweaty palms on your skirt, composing yourself with practiced ease. Lifting your head from behind the counter, you address them with a polite, businesslike smile. “How may I assist the three of you today?”
The older man, likely a Jedi Master, introduces himself with courtesy as Sol, while the young girl, his Padawan, is named Jecki. The other young man, a Jedi Knight, is introduced as Yord. “We’re here on a mission,” Sol informs you, his voice laced with concern. “We’re investigating a serious incident that occurred in this city.”
You have no idea what serious incident he’s referring to or how severe it must be to involve the Jedi. For a moment, your mind jumps to the possibility that it might be connected to you—until Jecki explains further, warning you to keep the information strictly confidential.
It turns out that the serious incident is a series of murders currently happening on Olega. Four bodies in four months—each victim a high-ranking Jedi responsible for overseeing the temple here.
"Since the incident is still recent, the killer might be someone who just moved here or snuck into the city illegally," Sol continues. "There are many of these types around the spaceports, which is why we need to increase security in those areas to ensure the safety of the citizens."
You can tell Sol's words hold only a half truth. The Jedi aren't particularly concerned about the lives of citizens since the killer's targets are not random people but specifically high-ranking Jedi.
The presence of the three Jedi at the pharmacy today is no coincidence. As a newcomer here, you're automatically placed among the suspects, though none of them have the nerve to say it outright to your face.
Understanding this, you begin to relax a little. After all, you have nothing to do with these murders, so there's no reason to worry. You just need to play along with the Jedi's charade until it's over.
Sol, the group's leader, takes charge of questioning you, with Jecki also taking part in the interrogation. Most of their questions are basic: had you noticed anything strange or seen any unusual people recently? They also delve into your personal history—your identity, background, and reasons for ending up on this planet.
You respond naturally, mixing truth with lies, careful not to arouse suspicion. You're confident in your ability to act convincingly—that is, until you sense the sharp gaze of the one Jedi in the group who hasn’t said a word.
You furrow your brow, the intense scrutiny from the Jedi named Yord making you increasingly uncomfortable. You try to ignore him, but there's something inexplicably magnetic about his presence—an instinctive urge that draws you to meet his gaze.
At first, you think he's trying to catch you in a lie, but when you see his expression, you're surprised.
He’s not scrutinizing you for deception—he’s staring at you in shock, as if you’re some kind of ghost.
As you peer deeply into his brown eyes with curiosity, time seems to stretch unnaturally long. You find yourself not looking at the present but plunging into the past. Every moment flashes before your eyes like pages of a book flipping by—one year, ten years, a hundred years, up to a thousand years.
Suddenly, your consciousness is yanked back to the present. You startle as your entire body trembles with the icy chill sweeping over you. Pain surges through you like a jolt of electricity, followed by the sticky sensation of blood trickling from your nose.
You know exactly what’s happening. The side effects of your vision are punishing you for seeing what was not meant to be seen.
Closing your eyes, you take slow, deep breaths, trying to steady yourself and acclimate to the pain. As your senses return, you hear Sol’s concerned voice. "Are you all right?"
"I’m fine," you quickly reply, shaking your head while wiping the blood from your nose with a handkerchief. You feign composure, even though the lingering pain continues to gnaw at you from within.
Sol looks at you with disbelief, but he doesn’t press further. His face betrays concern, and you can’t help but think how fitting he is as a Jedi. His every gesture screams 'purity' If goodness had a color, this man would be the brightest white—so blinding it hurts to look at.
The awkward silence breaks as Sol clears his throat, returning to the topic at hand. “We still don’t have any more leads on the perpetrator, other than the fact that they’re highly skilled with weapons—probably a former soldier or maybe...” He trails off, as if he almost let something slip, but catches himself just in time. "Anyway, if you find any suspicious leads, don’t hesitate to contact me or any other Jedi.”
You watch as Sol places a thin metal card on the counter before bidding you farewell with the classic phrase, "May the Force be with you." He and the other Jedi then leave the pharmacy quietly.
You reach for the card, running your fingers along its cold metallic edge. Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s an electronic contact card, storing his information. The front clearly reads, ‘Sol, Human, Jedi Master.
For a brief moment, you consider throwing it far away, but something compels you to tuck it into your pocket instead.
The sun slowly sinks, signaling the approach of evening. Hours have passed, but you're still lost in thought, pondering the group of Jedi you encountered—especially Sol’s story of the horrifying Jedi murder case. Though it has nothing to do with you directly, you can't shake the unease creeping into your mind. It's an inexplicable feeling of foreboding, devoid of any logical reason, as if instinct itself is whispering from deep within, warning you to be cautious. Yet you have no idea what or whom you should be wary of.
And then, there's another matter weighing heavily on your mind—the Jedi Knight named Yord.
His name has settled deep into your thoughts, etched onto your lips. A strange sense of familiarity fills your chest, as though you’ve known him before, despite seeing his face and hearing his name for the first time today.
How odd you think, fragments of a past you can barely recall flicker in your mind, disjointed and unclear. You want to focus your power on a vision, to delve deeper into the memory, but your body is too frail. It would only bring more pain. All you can do now is predict the hazy path of the future, as far as your bruised mind will allow.
You close your eyes, adjusting your breathing to a slow, steady rhythm. You let your mind sink into the stream of consciousness of possible futures.
There’s a ninety percent chance.
Certainty rises inside you—the answer you seek will come when you meet him again... soon.
The Bene Gesserit meditation gradually envelops your mind, nurturing it with such calm and a cold, almost numb detachment. Your fingers gently brush against the knife hidden in your cloak, recognizing that it may become necessary if things spiral out of control.
You step toward the front door of the shop, hand reaching for the handle, but a sudden hesitation grips you, freezing you in place.
A moment of silence surrounds you. You feel like a fish swimming towards a hook, drawn into a dangerous situation you shouldn't be involved with. The closer you get, the harder it becomes to turn back.
But in the end, you open the door anyway.
You stand there, waiting for something to happen. It doesn’t take long before someone grabs your arm, pulling you swiftly into the narrow alley beside the shop, hidden from the bustling street.
Your back hits the wooden wall of a nearby house—not hard enough to hurt, but enough to knock the wind out of you. You look up, meeting Yord's eyes with a calm expression, showing no sign of surprise. You know he is waiting for you, just as you are waiting for him.
“Be careful. You’re in a place you shouldn’t be,” he warns in a firm voice. “Get out while you still can.”
That’s all he says before releasing your shoulder and quickly walking back to the street, disappearing into the crowd while you stay still, watching his broad back in the yellow Jedi uniform fade from view.
In that moment, it's as if a veil of uncertainty is lifted, revealing a truth you had suspected before.
You are certain now. That Jedi can see the future—just like you.[1]
[1] In Star Wars canon, some Jedi can see the future, but only a few—usually masters with strong Force abilities like Yoda (though as he got older, his visions became less reliable). You can see that Jedi powers and the Bene Gesserit abilities are somewhat similar (because Dune inspired Star Wars). However, in this fic, the author wanted to create a special distinction between the Reader (who is a Bene Gesserit) and the Jedi, so regular Jedi can’t have visions like the Reader. Yord’s case is unique and will have significant importance to the plot later on.
#qimir fic#qimir x reader#qimir#qimir x y/n#qimir x you#the acolyte#the acolyte fic#star wars#qimir the acolyte#qimir the stranger#the acolyte qimir#star wars fic#the acolyte x reader#the acolyte fanfiction#star wars qimir#the stranger x reader#dune fanfiction#dune fanfic#dune fic#dune#the curse of cassandra
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The Harrington Pattern Part 7
Hello! It's Tuesday and that means more Steve and Eddie. And it's looking like the story will end in chapter 12. It might take one more than that, but it's definitely almost done.
So what will that mean? Well, I'll start working on working on another story to bring it back up to two, but will still only work on the others on WIP Wednesday because I'm trying to get down the amount of WIPs I have running. I have far too many.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Day two of the Fair. Will sees Steve and Steve reveals a little trick. And Steve has to be stern mom again.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
Steve picked up his usual set and went to the Renaissance Fair. This time they were the first to arrive and they stood there waiting for the rest of them to show up.
He had left the spirit gum with Mrs Sinclair and she was able to do an even better job then he had yesterday putting the ears back on.
The bow and quiver had been left behind today because sadly the poor bow had been a mangled, tangled mess by the time they left the fair yesterday.
Max and Robin’s cutlasses had fared better because they never left their sides, but even slung over Lucas’s shoulder, the poor aluminum just couldn’t bare the brunt of the crowds. And today was going to be even busier.
Steve looked at his watch and then back at the growing crowd waiting in line.
He tapped his foot nervously when he saw the familiar van pull into the lot. And the merry band of fellows hopped out, wearing the outfits they had yesterday. The ones that made Steve green with envy on how well they were put together.
It was like they had just walked off the set of a Hollywood movie.
He was good with a needle and thread, but whoever made their costumes should be making money off it, they were that talented.
Jeff came around to the other side of the van where Steve could see him and his ears looked great too.
“Looking good, Lawrence,” Steve whistled. “The ears are vastly improved.”
Jeff bowed dramatically. “Why thank you, my liege! I had my sister help me pick out the right color and type I needed and then I did it myself.”
Gareth snorted. “After practicing all night.”
Brian elbowed their youngest member. “It’s just like trying to get a beat right, you have to practice. Don’t give him shit for that.”
Gareth grumbled, but muttered a half-hearted apology to Jeff. The older teen just grinned at his friend.
Which after how crazy yesterday was, Steve wasn’t looking forward to a repeat if Jeff took offense to Gareth’s comment.
Eddie had been unusually quiet during this conversation, so while they milled around waiting for the remaining third of their group, Steve came up to him.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked, leaning down and forward to get a better look at the metalhead.
Eddie pursed his lips, but he nodded.
“You know, I have been dying to ask...”
Eddie smiled softly. “Who’s my tailor?”
Steve cackled. “Yeah, that. God, I would gleefully sacrifice one of the teenagers for the material alone, let alone the thread.”
“Which one?” Eddie asked, coming a little bit more out of his shell.
Steve reared back his head. “What?”
“Which one of the teenagers you would sacrifice?” Eddie asked again.
“Dustin,” Steve said without hesitation. “I figure virgin,” he counted on his fingers, “check, most annoying, check, and the one who would be the biggest... ‘value’ as it were, double check.”
Eddie laughed outright. “You don’t have to sacrifice any of them. Brian’s sister works at a big theater, the kind that do plays, as their costumer.”
Steve sighed and rubbed a bit of the black velvet between his thumb and forefinger. “You guys are so lucky.”
Eddie laughed again. “Trust me, even Bri had to pay for the privilege.”
Steve’s eyes lit up. “Oh?”
“Yup!” Eddie said, rocking back on his heels. “We had to pay for all the material and patterns ourselves, plus at least twenty-five percent of labor. These duds may be pretty, but lo they be also pricey.”
“Well, it was certainly worth it,” Steve murmured. “You guys look fantastic.”
Eddie’s cheeks colored a pretty pink. “Thanks. Um...mine is actually based on a character from a short story. Brian’s mom is Polish, but she loves sc-fi and fantasy so she gets this magazine, right?” Steve nodded. “So, anyway she’ll translate into English for Brian to read. It’s about this male witch and he has this minstrel friend named Jeskier...” he pronounced it strange, like yes-keer. “I’m probably pronouncing it wrong. But he’s so cool.”
“So you’re this minstrel guy?” Steve asked, suddenly understanding.
Eddie hummed excitedly. “Brian even went as one of the male witches. Not the main one though. But it’s still fun, you know?”
Steve smiled back. “Yeah. I never would have thought about going as a specific character before. Maybe we can plan something for next year.”
Whatever cloud leftover that was lingering over Eddie vanished in the light of Steve’s bright smile.
Eddie bumped his shoulder into Steve’s. “What’s on the docket today, pretty boy?”
Steve blushed bright red, but before he could answer, Claudia’s station wagon pulled up next to them. The four kids piled out, happily chatting and laughing. Well all but Mike.
Mike had always been a reserved kid, but as he got older, the more withdrawn he seemed to get. Will seemed to do the opposite. The kid was really coming out of his shell and into himself. And maybe that was the reason for Mike’s shrinking back.
Steve just shook his head and turned to Will. “Still no Jonathan?” he teased.
Will rolled his eyes. “He said and I quote ‘I’ll see about maybe Saturday’.”
Steve winced. He couldn’t make Jonathan come, but he could see how much Jonathan coming would mean so much to Will and it made his heart hurt just a little.
“Can’t force someone to have fun,” he said with a shrug. “It really is his loss.”
Will nodded sagely, like the mature person he was forced to become far too soon. “But! He did give me the ten dollars I needed for the staff to make up for it.”
Steve smiled. All right, maybe Steve didn’t have to stop by and give the elder Byers boy a piece of his mind.
He turned to Eddie. “Hey, you want to traverse the fields of commerce with me and Will to go get his staff?”
Eddie grinned. “Hell yeah! I didn’t get to go yesterday.”
Will grinned back. He turned to El and Mike. “You going to come with me. right?”
Mike shook his head. “El wanted to see the weavers this morning, but no one else wanted to go with her and with Steve’s dumb rule...”
“It’s not dumb,” Steve said. “Just because the Upside Down is gone, doesn’t mean there aren’t things that can hurt you.”
“We’re fifteen,” Mike protested. “I think that’s old enough to go by ourselves.”
Steve looked around at the other kids and they were all looking everywhere but at him. “May I remind you that we are literally standing on the ground where human monsters were trying to open a gate? Bad guys come in all shapes and sizes and even if you think you’re safe, is El? Or Will?”
The kids looked down at their feet and mumbled their apologies.
“I just want everyone safe and having a good time,” Steve finished. “You guys can do whatever you want, but do you know who your parents would blame if something happened to you?”
Dustin raised his head sharply. “But there are other adults here, why would they blame you?”
Steve barked out a bitter laugh. “Because I’m the fucking babysitter.” He walked off to get in line and everyone just followed behind quietly, suddenly somber.
Robin fell in step next to Steve and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “Hey, dingus.”
Steve just ducked his head.
“It’s just a tricky age. You remember what it was like at their age,” she murmured.
“I was getting drunk every weekend, smoking, and having sex,” Steve grumbled. “I don’t want that for them.”
Robin kissed his cheek. “You’re sweet. But they’re going to have to figure it out on their own.”
Steve’s shoulders rounded. “I just want to them to have fun and we keep having knock out drag out fights before we go in and I–” he left out a deep sigh.
“You can’t be held responsible for what they do,” she said.
He snorted. “Tell that to Joyce or Claudia. Just because I’m the oldest.”
She hugged him tightly. “You’re not anymore and you know Eddie would do anything for those kids, too. Plus, this is exactly why you told them to find any adult. Let all of us help shoulder the load, too.”
Steve let out a low shuddering breath. “I’ll try. I just keep butting heads with Mike. Always Mike. And I don’t know what to do, he’s just so prickly and even outright hostile.”
“So don’t do anything,” Robin suggested.
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Let Eddie handle it,” she said. “He did a fine job yesterday. So let him do it again.”
Steve pressed his lips together and then nodded. “Okay.”
She kissed his cheek again and went back to talk to Eddie. Steve paid again for the tickets. Well, not all of them. Thankfully Eddie and his friends were paying their own way.
He turned to Will. “You ready to go get your staff?” He smiled broadly to hide the hurt of Mike’s rebellion.
Will smiled back. “Hell yeah!”
Eddie came bounding up to them. “I’ll meet you at the shop, there’s something I need to do really quick about tomorrow. They’ve messed up the schedule and me and Jeff have to go see someone about it.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, just ask Jeff where the shop is, he should remember which one.”
Eddie smiled again. “You betcha, big boy.” He flounced back to Jeff and Steve watched him walk away.
When he turned back to Will, the young man was looking at him with curiosity.
“What’s up?”
Will furrowed his brows. “I’m trying to decide if you know about...” he pursed his lips trying to find a way to say what he meant without outing Steve in public. “What you feel about a certain someone?”
Steve looked back at where Eddie had melted into the crowd and then back at this all too perceptive boy. He put his arm around Will and started them walking toward the shop.
“If you’re asking what I think you’re asking,” Steve started slowly, “I’ve known I like both for awhile now. It was just easier to focus on the one. The one that was socially acceptable, you know?”
Will nodded. “I can see that. And then he came barreling into our lives and a good kind of upside down happened?”
Steve smiled fondly. “Yeah. He is so sweet. He’s everything I thought I wanted in Nancy.”
Will grinned. “You do have a type.”
He scuffed Will’s hair a bit. “Yeah, yeah.”
They walked in silence for awhile before Steve spoke up again.
“I feel I should give you a heads up before we get to the shop,” he said with a wince.
Will looked over at him in confusion.
“I may have talked the merchant in to holding it for you by giving them a ten dollar deposit to hold it.”
Will’s jaw dropped. “You can do that?”
Steve laughed. “No, not really. By I can be persuasive and he was willing to do me the favor.”
“Thanks, Steve,” Will murmured. “You’ve done so much for us, I think we take you for granted sometimes.”
Steve half shrugged. “My parents suck and while some of you have actually decent parents and older siblings, I don’t mind being the babysitter the one you guys look up to and come to for advice.”
Will smiled. “Any tips on how to tell your best friend you have a crush on them?”
Steve threw back his head and laughed. “Look, the one time I did that I was drugged up on truth serum and literally couldn’t lie. I don’t think that’s going to help you.”
“Too bad Robin bats for the other team,” he said with a smile.
Steve smiled back. “Nah, I think her telling me that is what made it easier for me to realize that having those feelings can’t make you a bad person. Not when she was so amazing.”
Will cocked his head to the side. “That’s fair.”
“Come on you,” Steve said, “let’s go get you this wizard staff.”
Will stopped in his tracks. “You said it right. You never say the DnD terms right.”
Steve raised a finger up to his lips and winked. “I do it because it drives Dustin up the wall and Eddie just loves explaining it to me, so I kill two birds with one stone.”
Will laughed. “Yeah, okay.”
As they wove their way through the crowd, Will smiled to himself. Steve and Eddie both liked boys, knew they liked boys, and were still unapologetically themselves. And maybe he could be too.
But first, he was going to get that wicked staff he saw yesterday because he had two brothers looking out for him. His biological one and Steve. Someone who cared so deeply that even when he should have walked away, he stayed.
And Will always could use more people that just...stayed.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
For those that don't know "The Witcher" was an original short story in a Polish sci-fi/magazine in 1985. I couldn't figure out if Jeskier was in the original tale, so shush if he isn't.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 @a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva @vampire-eddie-brain-rot
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Chapter 7 - Secrets Secrets Are No Fun
Coping with the new development of wings, Y/N must hide her secret from the Winchesters, but the veil falls during training when things get heated with Dean.
TW: This chapter has to do with binding wings that may be viewed as similar to chest binding. If you practice chest binding, please do so safely my friends. <3
Call (1 - 866 - 488 - 7386) or visit TheTrevorProject.org for more resources.
“Disgusting.” I mutter under my breath, gazing at my back, topless in the mirror.
The little protrusions between my shoulder blades have doubled in size since the morning light just hours ago. Reaching nearly 6 inches in length, they adorn sporadic white feathers with a golden glamor sprouting from the bone. They look frail and weak, like the feathers of a baby bird, but without a doubt, they were undeniably the early stages of wing growth.
A single tear rolls down my cheek as I'm unable to control the rush of emotions, frustration, sadness, disgust tearing me apart from the inside out.
This is wrong. This is all so wrong! Why me? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!
My thoughts run a thousand miles per hour, clattering around in my brain. However, the sound of knocking on the bathroom door quickly pulls me out of my head.
“Hey, Y/N?” Sam’s sweet muffled voice comes through the other side of the door.
“Yeah, uh, just a minute,” I reply in a panicked tone, picking up my flannel from the floor and wrapping it around my body. Unsurprisingly, the flannel did little to disguise the problem, the fabric stretching and poking out awkwardly around the appendages.
Great. The last thing I need right now is the Winchesters to see the freak show that is my newly sprouted wings.
“Dean and I wanna talk to you when you have a minute.”
“Sure thing!” I put on a fake chirpy voice, immediately cringing at how fake it sounds. I can practically feel Sam purse his lips and furrow his brow in reaction to my odd tone on the other side of the door.
“Right,” Sam clears his throat. His footsteps fade in the distance as he walks away.
I let out a sigh of relief that doesn’t last long as I remember the problem at hand. There must be something in this bathroom I can use to conceal my little problem. I stumble over to the white cabinet on the wall that hangs just above the sink and fling the door open. The cabinet is practically barren with the exception of a half empty bottle of over the counter pain medication and a small plastic container with the words, FIRST AID, scribbled on it in sharpie.
“Of course.” I say through gritted teeth, swiping the kit and slamming the cabinet shut. The flimsy white plastic cracks open under my touch, the contents spilling on the floor with a clatter. I drop to my knees, paying little mind to the bruise that will likely form from the impact, and rummage through the supplies around me. Gause, scissors, bandaids, needle, thread, and, “Hah!” I proudly exclaim as I grab the medical wrap from the pile.
Pushing myself up onto my feet and in front of the bathroom mirror, I unravel the tape and begin wrapping it around my wings. I struggle as they resist and flutter against the fabric. If they would just hold still, the process would go alot faster, and time is certainly of the essence. I bite my lip, swallowing down the pain from my sensitive wings crunching under the tape, painfully immobilized. After several wraps, I was finally satisfied and tore off the end of the bandage with my teeth, tucking it securely away. Although it wasn’t perfect, they were successfully binded flat against my back.
I pull my flannel back on, buttoning it all the way up and turn to the side to admire my work in the mirror. It’s still rather lumpy in the back, but not very noticeable unless you really squint.
I take a deep breath, regulating my emotions, wiping away the tears, and putting on my best poker face. I exit the bathroom, closing the door behind me with a quiet click.
Sam and Dean sit in the library, each lost in their own worlds.
Sam, lounging in a chair, thumbing through the pages of an old biblical book.
Dean sits on the table, a leg resting on the arm of Sam's chair as he repeatedly sharpens a long silver blade.
“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” I ask, grabbing their attention. I fold my hands behind my back, slowly rocking back and forth from the pads to the heels of my feet, trying to calm my nerves.
“Well, we’ve been talking it over and we think it’s best to give you some training. You need to be prepared for what’s to come.” Sam gives a reassuring smile.
“Kick the devil's ass and send him back to his maker,” Dean chuckles, playfully pointing the blade in my direction.
“Oh.” I scratch the back of my neck, conflicted at the idea of assassinating the man I have developed mixed feelings for, but also excited to learn some self defense. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, Sammy here can teach you how to exorcize demons. You can bet your ass there will be dozens guarding Lucifer. And me? I’m gonna teach you how to gank that feathery son of a bitch.” He turns the blade in his hand and plunges it into the wood of the table. It wobbles slightly before falling perfectly still.
“Okay...” Is all I can say as I struggle to process the information.
I have no problem with exorcizing demons, the less that crawls this earth, the better. But Lucifer? Sure, I hate his guts for completely uprooting my life and turning me into some hybrid angel freak, but do I really want him dead?
The brothers give me an odd look, clearly expecting a different kind of response.
“So, where do we start?” I smile, trying to save the awkward interaction.
“I figure we start with some simple exorcism incantations.” Sam jumps up from his seat, rummaging in his jeans pocket for a folded piece of scrap paper. “This is your study guide.” He hands the slip to me.
I unfold it and written in neat handwriting is a series of Latin words. Beneath each word is the phonetic pronunciation, which is quite helpful considering I don’t know the first thing about reading Latin. I stare at the hefty paragraph, feeling rather intimidated.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna help you,” he reassures me.
I give him a polite nod and a quick smile, trying my best to stow away my doubt.
“Repeat after me, Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,” he says, slow and clear, making sure to over pronounce each syllable.
“Exorcizamu… Exorcizamus te omnis immu… Immundus spiritus,” I repeat, butchering almost every word. I stare at the paper, replaying each word over and over in my head til it sticks. “ Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,” I say with confidence, smiling at my correct pronunciation.
“Excellent!” He smiles, squeezing my arm with pride.
For nearly 2 hours, Sam and I read through the incantation over a dozen times until I have the pronunciation of every word down to a T. Although my brain feels fried, I can’t help but glow with pride at my improvement and Sam's relentless praises.
“Alright, I think you deserve a break for today, but I want you to practice this as much as you can. This is very important,” Sam says, clasping his hands together.
“You got it big guy,” I reply playfully.
He gives me a disapproving look at the nickname, but smiles as he turns his head and walks away.
“Alright sweetheart, you ready for some real training?” Dean says gleefully, raising his eyebrows in question.
“Born ready,” I reply with a grin, looking around the training room he had led me to.
The walls and floor are covered in thick black padding, the fabric worn and torn in certain places. Scattered throughout the room are half a dozen training dummies, many of them riddled with stab wounds and bullet holes. An array of weights and weapons are displayed along benches and tables in an orderly fashion.
He picks up the largest blade from the table and strolls over til he’s about a foot from in front of me.
“This here is an angel blade.” He turns the long dagger in his hands, the light dazzling off the reflective metal. “This is the only thing that can kill an angel.” He looks me in the eyes, very serious this time.
My eyes fall from his to the angel blade in his calloused hands. Anxiety and doubt plague my mind, but I swallow down my emotions and nod in understanding.
He flips the blade with ease, passing it to me with the handle end exposed.
I take it from his grasp, the metal still warm from his body heat. It feels heavy and powerful in my hand. I’ve carried a pocket knife with me for years in self defense, having only had to use it once when some drunk guy at a bar followed me to my car, but nothing compared to a weapon like this.
He steps behind me and wraps his hand around mine, moving my fingers to the correct placement. “Your grip on the handle is very important.” He gives my hand a light squeeze. “These fingers need to be wrapped around one side of the handle and your thumb should be pressed against the other side,” he explains. “Grip it tight.”
I do as I'm told, feeling my grip strengthen, pleasantly surprised at the difference.
“Good,” he praises.
I can feel his warm breath on my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. He guides me to the dummy in front of us, stopping when we're all but 6 inches away.
“Now, I’m gonna teach you how to wield it, okay?” He says in a deep voice.
“Yes, Dean,” I reply in a hushed tone. Butterflies flutter around my stomach.
He steps closer, til he’s barely an inch behind me. He wraps his warm hands around mine and I can’t help but close my eyes and relish the feeling.
“Okay, you’re gonna bring your arm back to your side, bending the elbow,” he says, pulling my arm back.
We stay there for a minute, just savoring the moment. The tension in the room is thick, but far from unpleasant.
“Now you’re gonna use the momentum of your body to push it forward.”
Following his directions, I force the blade forward in one swift movement.
“Straighten your elbow sweetheart,” he purrs in my ear.
I briefly close my eyes, trying to fight the heat rising in my body, and do as he says. The sound of the blade cutting through the air breaks the silence.
“Good job,” he praises. “Okay, when you’re attacking, you’re going to want to aim right here.” He points his finger to a spot on the dummy just below the sternum, where the vital organs are most exposed.
I nod, focusing on each of his words.
He guides my hand back, then up, just as we practiced, plunging the blade right under the rib cage until it’s buried deep inside.
I can’t hold back the gasp that falls from my lips.
“Good, very good!” He spins me around to face him. “See you’re a natural,” he chuckles. “A little more practice with me and you’ll be a pro,” Dean winks.
“What can I say? I learn from the best.” I blush with a smile.
He thoughtfully tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, his eyes flicking back and forth between my own adoring eyes and my lips.
I can’t help but return his interest.
He leans in close, pressing his forehead to mine.
My heart swells, as my pulse quickens. I hold my breath, waiting for his next move.
He leans in and ever so slightly presses his lips to mine, silently asking for my permission.
I close my eyes and lean in, claiming his lips with mine.
Our lips move together in harmony like they are made for eachother. The kiss is soft and loving, as if we are just testing the waters, and my god it just feels so right.
I sigh with content into his mouth as he places his hand on the small of my back, pulling our bodies together. I feel lost in the moment, wishing it would never end as his hands slowly travel up further until it reaches my bandaged wings poorly disguised under my flannel.
He pulls back slightly, now looking at me with a mix of confusion and concern.
My eyes shoot open and my breath hitches in my throat as I realize what’s happening. The euphoric high of finally kissing Dean fades and the horror of his discovery, sits in my stomach like a ball of lead.
“Wha-,” he starts to ask.
Before he can utter the word, I forcefully push him away and rush out of the room. The world becomes muddy as my eyes blur with hot tears. I run and run until I reach my quarters and throw myself into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I toss the angel blade aside, not even registering the loud clatter of metal meeting tiles and sink to the ground, pulling my knees into my chest, not even bothering to fight the sobs that rack my body.
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